Requirements Java 8 installed
Install and run
$ ./gradlew bootRun
$ ./gradlew test
Issue: some test fail running this way, but passes using IntelliJ bulk test.
Not too verbose, better see the code.
Available endpoints
GET /check
checks if app is up and running
POST /login
Example Request (with working hardcoded user):
"email":"[email protected]",
POST /passchange
Example request:
About DDD
The Infrastructure/Endpoint package (com.authobusy.endpoint) contains only Controllers and Security implementation. I could have called it 'api', but I wanted to be original.
I prefered not to have an Infrastructure folder. No ports and adapters separation is performed yet.
The Application level
Application level is under com.authobusy.service: imagine that we need some commands to be run from console for the sake of the project. It will be nice to create a "com.authobusy.command" package (more Infrastructure), and be able to call services from there.
New in Authobusy delivery-II
- Request objects moved to Application level (com.authobusy.service), as they should be accessible from other hypothetic Infrastructure packages.
- Repository belongs to Domain, traditionally.
About in-memory database I would like to use H2. Now user data is initialized inside the UserRepository constructor :S
- WebSecurity.configure ignores LoginController action, populate response body with Token and expiration date