A ⭐️ is welcome!
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DB3 Network is an open-source and decentralized firebase firestore alternative for building fully decentralized dApps quickly with minimal engineering effort.
Currently, there are two types of Data architecture for dApp(decentralized application): centralized vs. decentralized.
Centralized: use Firebase
or MongoDB
to store the data), both of which are developer-friendly. However, dApps would be regarded as less secure based on a central database.
Decentralized: use Ethereum or other blockchains to store the data and use the Graph to index data from it. The separation of the storage and the indexer would cost a lot of engineering efforts in future development.
With Db3 network, you can get both advantages of the above two choices.
You can store data on DB3 Network without any change.
High Performance
Currently, decentralization means terrible performance, but DB3 is trying to improve it significantly:
- Merkdb is the storage engine of the DB3 Network, and it has high Performance and fast-proof generation.
- Geo distribution: the nodes in every storage shard are geo-distributed, and the clients can execute queries against the nearest storage node.
- Query session, the first decentralized query protocol to resolve Performance and incentive perfectly.
Data Ownership
We proposed the document level ownership, and every document has its owner, while only the owner holds the private key can update/delete the record. DB3 network generates the proofs and provides signatures to prove the membership (db3 has the specific document) and ownership.
Dapp developers can develop data processing contracts and deploy them to the DB3 Network, just like the data backend in web2.
Ethereum Guarded Security
DB3 Network is a layer2 network on Ethereum and Ethereum guards all the assets.
git clone https://github.com/dbpunk-labs/db3.git
cd db3 && bash install_env.sh && cargo build
# start localnet
cd tools && sh start_localnet.sh
- Start db3 console
./target/debug/db3 console
db3>-$ new-db
database address | transaction id
0xa9f5c8170aad7a0f924d89c6edacae6db24ef57d | 0ALy/hH7CQe9lv294K6dOxGP14xWHsbRs+/pXBZa8oU=
- Show database
db3>-$ show-db --addr 0x7e16cb6524e2fc21ae9bf2d7ee18b05767b9dc33
database address | sender address | related transactions | collections
0x7e16cb6524e2fc21ae9bf2d7ee18b05767b9dc33 | 0x96bdb8e20fbd831fcb37dde9f81930a82ab5436b | EMYw64xlI2q4v1MShoKw3T60asNbWJ9//ca75M3JO3Q= |
- Add a collection to database
db3>$ new-collection --addr 0xcfb524677673af15edebbec018b16d42d87b1251 --name books --index '{"name":"idx1","fields":[{"field_path":"test1","value_mode":{"Order":1}}]}'
send add collection done with tx
- Show collections in database
db3>-$ show-collection --addr 0xcfb524677673af15edebbec018b16d42d87b1251
name | index
books | {"name":"idx1","fields":[{"field_path":"test1","value_mode":{"Order":1}}]}
- Create a document
db3>-$ new-doc --addr 0x997f631fcafeed5ee319c83683ae16e64783602b --collection-name books --documents '{"name": "John Doe","age": 43,"phones": ["+44 1234567","+44 2345678"]}'
send add document done with tx
- list documents
db3>-$ show-doc --addr 0x22fb51848e26b34e242dd16a1224e8f23ee9b42e --collection-name books
id_base64 | owner | document
AQAAAAAAAAAyAAAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAfAAAAAEAAAAA | 0x84b0bd55e7ad979b7cb92a56f561190de8f68403 | Document({"name": String("John Doe"), "age": Int64(43), "phones": Array([String("+44 1234567"), String("+44 2345678")])})
AQAAAAAAAAAyAAAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAABLAAAAAEAAAAA | 0x84b0bd55e7ad979b7cb92a56f561190de8f68403 | Document({"name": String("John Doe"), "age": Int64(44), "phones": Array([String("+44 1234567"), String("+44 2345678")])})
AQAAAAAAAAAyAAAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAABPgAAAAEAAAAA | 0x84b0bd55e7ad979b7cb92a56f561190de8f68403 | Document({"name": String("John Doe"), "age": Int64(45), "phones": Array([String("+44 1234567"), String("+44 2345678")])})
- get a document
id_base64 | owner | document
AQAAAAAAAAAVAAAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAOQAAAAEAAAAA | 0x84b0bd55e7ad979b7cb92a56f561190de8f68403 | Document({"name": String("Mike"), "age": Int64(43), "phones": Array([String("+44 1234567"), String("+44 2345678")])})
- show network state
db3>-$ show-state
name | state
database | 1
collection | 0
documemt | 0
account | 1
mutation | 1
session | 0
storage | 102.00
- query documents by index
// the key seed
const mnemonic ='...'
// create a wallet
const wallet = DB3BrowserWallet.createNew(mnemonic, 'DB3_SECP259K1')
// build db3 client
const client = new DB3Client('', wallet)
const [dbId, txId] = await client.createDatabase()
const db = initializeDB3('', dbId, wallet)
// add an index to collection
const indexList: Index[] = [
name: 'idx1',
id: 1,
fields: [
fieldPath: 'name',
valueMode: {
oneofKind: 'order',
order: Index_IndexField_Order.ASCENDING,
// create a collecion
const collectionRef = await collection(db, 'cities', indexList)
// add a doc to collection
const result = await addDoc(collectionRef, {
name: 'beijing',
address: 'north',
// get all docs from collection
const docs = await getDocs(collectionRef)
for more please go to db3.js
- Add a GitHub Star⭐️ to the project.
- Tweet about how to use DB3 network.
- Write blogs about the project on Dev.to, Medium or your personal blog.
Together, we can make db3 network better!
- the graph, a decentralized on-chain indexer
- Locutus, a decentralized key-value database
- ceramic network, a decentralized data network that brings unlimited data composability to Web3 applications
- kwil, the first permissionless SQL database for the decentralized internet
- spaceandtime, a decentralized data Warehouse
- OrbitDB is a serverless, distributed, peer-to-peer database
I stood on the shoulders of giants and did only simple things. Thank you for your attention.
![]() Protocol Labs |
![]() Filecoin |
Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions. See CONTRIBUTING.md.