Release Notes
[TD-4170]:improve skiplist rand performance
[TD-3197]: taosdemo and taosdump coverity scan issues. (#6004)
[TD-3639]: compare timestamp with datetime in python (#5990)
[TD-3857]: taosdump database properties. (#6019)
[TD-3857]: taosdump database properties. (#6020)
[TD-3902]: taosdemo subscribe. (#6028)
[TD-3914]: taosdemo input argument validation. (#6097)
[TD-3992]: taosdemo subscribe. (#6035)
[TD-4001]: taosdemo restful segfault. (#5962)
[TD-4005]: fix repeated vnode open when tsdb state not ok
[TD-4035]: taosdemo more checking for prevent value out of scope. (#5992)
[TD-4048]: fix python connector error where ts is null (#6018)
[TD-4054]: taosdump wrong column note length. (#5996)
[TD-4056]: fix possible char string buffer length overflow
[TD-4060]: taos shell startup message. (#6009)
[TD-4060]: taos shell startup message. (#6010)
[TD-4070]: taosdemo use friendly msg if the setting has improper values. (#6040)
[TD-4070]: taosdemo use friendly msg if the setting has improper values. (#6041)
[TD-4073]: taosdemo rest query output to result file. (#6072)
[TD-4081]: fix vnode confirm forward missing response & write msg freeing
[TD-4081]: fix vnode dropping
[TD-4081]: [v3] fix vnode closing
[TD-4081]: vnode not close if dropped
[TD-4083]: taosdemo query times need be more than 0. (#6038)
[TD-4083]: taosdemo query times need be more than 0. (#6039)
[TD-4089]: fix systemd sent SIGKILL before taosd shutdown normally (#6101)
[TD-4095]: taosdump long tablename. (#6076)
[TD-4095]: taosdump long tablename. (#6077)
[TD-4130]: taosdemo subscribe stable. (#6090)
[TD-4130]: taosdemo subscribe super table. (#6086)
[TD-4136]: taosdemo max records per req < 32767 (#6082)
[TD-4136]: taosdemo max records per req < 32767 (#6118)
[TD-4136]: taosdemo records per req more than 32767. (#6087)
[TD-4144]: add subscribe test cases
[td-4147]: report error if the column name is too long.
[TD-4158]: taosdemo cmake failed with low version git. (#6106)
[TD-4158]: taosdemo cmake failed with low version git. (#6107)
[TD-4160]: remove python connector soft links, fix tests and documents
[TD-4173]: compile failed with gcc 4.8.5 on centos7. (#6111)
[TD-4205]: fix drone ci error
[td-4209]: add the uid check for super table metadata that is already cached in local buffer.
[TD-4228]: fix install error when grafana submodule not ready (#6151)
[TD-4232]: fix vnode queueWMsg & queuedWMsgSize counting under flow ctrl
[TD-4240]: taosdemo subscribe more than max query sql count. (#6154)
[TD-4240]: taosdemo subscribe more than max query sql count. (#6157)
[TD-4258]: speedup nodejs fetchall() with taos_fetch_block (#6163)
[TD-4258]: speedup nodejs fetchall() with taos_fetch_block (#6165)
[TD-4272]: taosdemo specify columns. (#6173)
[TD-4272]: taosdemo specify columns. (#6174)
[TD-4296]: taosdemo sub keepProgress. (#6201)
[TD-4808]: fix python connector error where ts is null (#6025)
[TD-182]: use single repo for python connector (#6036)
[TD-3948]: insert syntax - specify columns after supertable tags
[TD-4152]: taosdemo reduce prompt and query systeminfo. (#6094)
[TD-4152]: taosdemo reduce prompt and query systeminfo. (#6108)
[td-4175]: improve the error message while the binary string overflow.
[TD-4224]: reduce grafana module size in packaging (#6146)
[TD-3746]:save grant objects to monitor database
[td-4038]: support column data batch bind.
[TD-4068]: taosdemo supports stmt interface.
[TD-4068]: taosdemo support stmt interface.
[TD-4198]: support AddressSanitizer on windows. (#6132)
[TD-2639]: fix typo about "taos_open_stream".
[TD-2639]: update "stime" parameter in "taos_open_stream" func.
[TD-4092]: describe "SHOW CREATE" series of commands.
[TD-4202]: fix Grafana plugin installation directory.
[TD-3663]: add test case for docker cluster
[TD-3998]: add taodemo-testcase that inserting too many rows won't make ts disorder
[TD-4017]: add test case
[TD-4037]: add taodemo-testcase that childtable_count is less than or equal zero and num_of_records_per_req is equal zero
[TD-4179]: add test case
[TD-4263]: update performance test script