Releases: taosdata/TDengine
Release Notes
Revert "[TD-4533]: taosdemo resub if resubAfterConsume != -1 (#6243)" (#6289)
[td-255]: fix crash caused by tag bind.
[TD-3078]: fix arbitrator create time
[TD-3197]: taosdemo and taosdump coverity scan issues. (#6207)
[TD-3279]: memory link while perform delete action
[td-4111]: fix bug for irate function.
[TD-4243]:fix coredump when select _block_dist() from table
[TD-4279]: fix mnode single online as master
[TD-4296]: taosdemo sub keepProgress. (#6200)
[TD-4313]: odbc example compile failed on Windows. (#6206)
[TD-4322]: taosdemo query then fetch result. (#6210)
[TD-4322]: taosdemo query then fetch result. (#6211)
[TD-4323]: the deleted vnode does not need to commit, so as to speed up the deletion and avoid crash while balance
[td-4351]: suppress error msg if super table is missing.
[TD-4353]: taosdemo resub if resubAfterConsume != -1 (#6286)
[TD-4353]: taosdemo resub if resubAfterConsume != -1 (#6287)
[TD-4370]: squashed commit of python connector changes in develop (#6246)
[td-4372]: fix the taosd server crash caused by dropping a child table, of which the indexed tag value is null.
[TD-4382]: taosdemo query result file is null. (#6259)
[TD-4382]: taosdemo query result file is null. (#6263)
[TD-4384]: fixed an uninitialized bug
[TD-4406]: taosdemo auto create table. (#6281)
[TD-4417]: return database not ready if vnode status & role not ready
[td-4446]: fix repeat import caused crash.
[TD-4480]: fix DatabaseMetaData get wrong column value (#6381)
[TD-4507]: disable jdbc build on windows for appveyor. (#6352)
[TD-4507]: disable jdbc build on windows for appveyor. (#6353)
[TD-4533]: taosdemo resub if resubAfterConsume != -1 (#6243)
[td-4151]: improve the validation procedure of sql statement.
[td-4231]: report error if only tags of the table are retrieved in the select clause when the filter condition only includes normal columns.
[TD-4243]: block_dist percentile approximation to reduce memory usage especially for super table
[TD-4243]:remove _block_dist() special dedicated column index
[td-4314]:support top/bottom query on main query.
[td-4520]: support the tbname column alias name.
[TD-4068]: taosdemo support stmt. (#6270)
[TD-2639]: correct database parameter about time precision.
[TD-2639]: correct parameter about time precision.
[TD-2639]: describe length limitation about tag names.
[TD-2639]: fix example about transaction in SQL execution.
[TD-2639]: fix typo about replica.
[TD-3948]: column names can be away from table name in insert.
[TD-3963]: allow alter some database parameters without reboot server.
[TD-4089]: stopping taosd service may take remarkable time.
[TD-4181]: update format of FAQ doc.
[TD-4181]: update SQL related doc.
[TD-4277]: update description about inserting into multi tables with auto creating table.
[TD-4377]: fix files number calculation in vnode.
[TD-4387]: fix broken link to server config doc.
[TD-4533]: describe C/C++ & Java version of Prepare Statement api.
[TD-4533]: describe parameter "size" in "setString" & "setNString".
[TD-4533]: fix description about func "taos_stmt_bind_param_batch".
[TD-4533]: "taos_stmt_bind_param" can be used in both INSERT & SELECT queries.
[TD-4122]: add test case
[TD-4263]: update performance test script
[TD-4420]: add test case
[TD-4423]: add test case
[TD-4435]: add test case
[TD-4505]: add test case for last_row()
Release Notes
[TD-4170]:improve skiplist rand performance
[TD-3197]: taosdemo and taosdump coverity scan issues. (#6004)
[TD-3639]: compare timestamp with datetime in python (#5990)
[TD-3857]: taosdump database properties. (#6019)
[TD-3857]: taosdump database properties. (#6020)
[TD-3902]: taosdemo subscribe. (#6028)
[TD-3914]: taosdemo input argument validation. (#6097)
[TD-3992]: taosdemo subscribe. (#6035)
[TD-4001]: taosdemo restful segfault. (#5962)
[TD-4005]: fix repeated vnode open when tsdb state not ok
[TD-4035]: taosdemo more checking for prevent value out of scope. (#5992)
[TD-4048]: fix python connector error where ts is null (#6018)
[TD-4054]: taosdump wrong column note length. (#5996)
[TD-4056]: fix possible char string buffer length overflow
[TD-4060]: taos shell startup message. (#6009)
[TD-4060]: taos shell startup message. (#6010)
[TD-4070]: taosdemo use friendly msg if the setting has improper values. (#6040)
[TD-4070]: taosdemo use friendly msg if the setting has improper values. (#6041)
[TD-4073]: taosdemo rest query output to result file. (#6072)
[TD-4081]: fix vnode confirm forward missing response & write msg freeing
[TD-4081]: fix vnode dropping
[TD-4081]: [v3] fix vnode closing
[TD-4081]: vnode not close if dropped
[TD-4083]: taosdemo query times need be more than 0. (#6038)
[TD-4083]: taosdemo query times need be more than 0. (#6039)
[TD-4089]: fix systemd sent SIGKILL before taosd shutdown normally (#6101)
[TD-4095]: taosdump long tablename. (#6076)
[TD-4095]: taosdump long tablename. (#6077)
[TD-4130]: taosdemo subscribe stable. (#6090)
[TD-4130]: taosdemo subscribe super table. (#6086)
[TD-4136]: taosdemo max records per req < 32767 (#6082)
[TD-4136]: taosdemo max records per req < 32767 (#6118)
[TD-4136]: taosdemo records per req more than 32767. (#6087)
[TD-4144]: add subscribe test cases
[td-4147]: report error if the column name is too long.
[TD-4158]: taosdemo cmake failed with low version git. (#6106)
[TD-4158]: taosdemo cmake failed with low version git. (#6107)
[TD-4160]: remove python connector soft links, fix tests and documents
[TD-4173]: compile failed with gcc 4.8.5 on centos7. (#6111)
[TD-4205]: fix drone ci error
[td-4209]: add the uid check for super table metadata that is already cached in local buffer.
[TD-4228]: fix install error when grafana submodule not ready (#6151)
[TD-4232]: fix vnode queueWMsg & queuedWMsgSize counting under flow ctrl
[TD-4240]: taosdemo subscribe more than max query sql count. (#6154)
[TD-4240]: taosdemo subscribe more than max query sql count. (#6157)
[TD-4258]: speedup nodejs fetchall() with taos_fetch_block (#6163)
[TD-4258]: speedup nodejs fetchall() with taos_fetch_block (#6165)
[TD-4272]: taosdemo specify columns. (#6173)
[TD-4272]: taosdemo specify columns. (#6174)
[TD-4296]: taosdemo sub keepProgress. (#6201)
[TD-4808]: fix python connector error where ts is null (#6025)
[TD-182]: use single repo for python connector (#6036)
[TD-3948]: insert syntax - specify columns after supertable tags
[TD-4152]: taosdemo reduce prompt and query systeminfo. (#6094)
[TD-4152]: taosdemo reduce prompt and query systeminfo. (#6108)
[td-4175]: improve the error message while the binary string overflow.
[TD-4224]: reduce grafana module size in packaging (#6146)
[TD-3746]:save grant objects to monitor database
[td-4038]: support column data batch bind.
[TD-4068]: taosdemo supports stmt interface.
[TD-4068]: taosdemo support stmt interface.
[TD-4198]: support AddressSanitizer on windows. (#6132)
[TD-2639]: fix typo about "taos_open_stream".
[TD-2639]: update "stime" parameter in "taos_open_stream" func.
[TD-4092]: describe "SHOW CREATE" series of commands.
[TD-4202]: fix Grafana plugin installation directory.
[TD-3663]: add test case for docker cluster
[TD-3998]: add taodemo-testcase that inserting too many rows won't make ts disorder
[TD-4017]: add test case
[TD-4037]: add taodemo-testcase that childtable_count is less than or equal zero and num_of_records_per_req is equal zero
[TD-4179]: add test case
[TD-4263]: update performance test script
Release Notes
[TD-2915]: python connector cursor iter next() function. (#5875)
[TD-3580]: taosdump support human readable time format. (#5888)
[TD-3639]: compare timestamp with datetime in python (#5940)
[td-3779]: fix bug during filter data block when handling last query.
[TD-3801]: taosdump coverity scan issue. (#5844)
[TD-3827]: taosdemo query argument miss lead segfault. (#5848)
[TD-3833]: taosdemo command line argument miss lead segfault. (#5859)
[TD-3850]: fix vnode write enqueue flowctrl UAF & no response
[TD-3851]: taosdemo performance boost. (#5857)
[TD-3872]: fix taosGetDiskSize statvfs input directory bug
[td-3874]: enable the value of UINT64_MAX-1 to be the valid tag values.
[td-3878]: fix the unsigned number bug in group by query.
[TD-3880]: C# driver test miss unsigned type. (#5871)
[TD-3883]: [http/clear parser] clear parser when decode finished
[TD-3906]: taosdemo back to 4 INT columns. (#5883)
[TD-3909]: [http/race] fix singleCmd race issue
[TD-3913]: mips compile support. (#5894)
[TD-3914]: taosdemo input argument validation. (#5899)
[TD-3915]: reduce taos client diagnose output. (#5898)
[TD-3944]: make default offline threshold to 10 days. (#5912)
[TD-3944]: make default offline threshold to 10 days. (#5913)
[td-3951]: check the input value of big int which is overflowed.
[TD-3968]: taosdemo data length should be 16*1024 (#5926)
[TD-3969]: taosdemo re-enable batch-create-tbl-num (#5932)
[TD-3985]: taosdemo timestamp step overflow. (#5946)
Revert "[TD-3079]: use multi-level storage with vnode's wal files"
[TD-3572]: response out of dnodes if #dnodes <= maxDbReplica
[td-3941]: refactor having operator.
[TD-3983]: update driver-go submodule to latest (#5945)
[td-2859]: support nest query.
[TD-1316]: "apercentile" func can be applied on super table.
[TD-2639]: fix lib name typo.
[TD-2639]: fix minor typo.
[TD-2639]: fix url link format.
[TD-2639]: remove ambiguous description about select expression.
[TD-2639]: update description about performance testing tools for inserting.
[TD-3611]: fix description about function top & bottom.
[TD-3666]: add notes about Binary type.
[TD-3666]: distinguish bytes & chars in length calculation.
[TD-3666]: should avoid storing multi-bytes chars in Binary.
[TD-3666]: update description about Binary column.
[TD-3869]: add notes about "TAOS_SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK".
[TD-3944]: update default value for "offlineThreshold".
[TD-3984]: describe "union all" clause.
[TD-850]: describe limitation about calculation between columns.
[TD-850]: describe usage limitation about calculation expression.
[TD-850]: fix typo.
[TD-3414]: add insert function with json files of taodemo-testcase
[TD-3414]: add insert function with json files of taodemo-testcase -repeat
[TD-3453]:modify filepath in scripts
[TD-3800]: add test case for query last(*)
[TD-3937]: add taosdemo performance test compare scripts
Release Notes
[TD-2976]: check 1970 timestamp support in C# taosdemo (#5813)
[TD-3162]: taos shell command line arugments. (#5810)
[TD-3204]: support usigned integer types for C# connector (#5808)
[TD-3317]: taosdemo interlace insertion. (#5774)
[td-3350]: Remove the illegal abort operation in case of multithread environment for sim.
[TD-3579]: sort mnode syncCfg nodeInfo to fix leader election failure
[TD-3607]: fix taosdemo limit and offset. (#5707)
[TD-3636]: fix taosdemo outorder range algorithm. (#5736)
[td-3664]:fix bug in top/bottom query.
[TD-3681]: fix syncdb precondition checkings
[TD-3682]: Insufficient disk space may cause oom
[TD-3683]: reduce buffer size for more stable table creation. (#5719)
[TD-3683]: reduce buffer size for more stable table creation. (#5720)
[TD-3705]: taosdemo columns or tags count overflow. (#5745)
[TD-3705]: taosdemo columns or tags count overflow. (#5745) (#5760)
[TD-3706]: [mnode] validate super table columns and tags count
[TD-3710]: [sync/memory] fix peer connection invalid read post freeing
[TD-3715]: taosdemo interlace rows must less than insert rows. (#5743)
[TD-3722]: taosdemo performance regression due to always set random seed. (#5740)
[TD-3733]: taosdemo buffer processing refactor. (#5766)
[TD-3741]: python test case on arm32. (#5767)
[TD-3752]: taosdemo columns+tags+ts must less then 1024. (#5782)
[TD-3758]: fix setnull throw exception when jdbcType is OTHER (#5797)
[TD-3766]: fix fsync alter calculation
[TD-3775]: taosdemo interlace rows more than insert rows. (#5819)
[TD-3783]: taosdemo for windows generates rand string invalid. (#5828)
[TD-3079]: use multi-level storage with vnode's wal files
[td-3571]: enable update the vgroup info during super table query.
[TD-3606]: When adding a new node to the cluster, the locale and charset are no longer checked
[TD-3762]: support us and ms percision for timestamp in JDBC (#5818)
[TD-2577]: "GROUP BY" add "HAVING" support.
[TD-2639]: add keyword "topic".
[TD-2639]: fix version num of long term support release.
[TD-3028]: add service ports section in faq.
[TD-3412]: create docker version for "getting start".
[TD-3412]: fix minor typo.
[TD-3606]: locale & charset options will not be checked when dnode add to cluster.
[TD-3672]: update C# connector environment support.
[TD-3754]: correct the meaning of slimit option.
[TD-3755]: describe the columns num limitation in selecting.
[TD-2986]: add demo example into CI
[TD-3676]: add test case
[TD-3677]: test pr message 1
[TD-3677]: test pr message 2
[TD-3677]: test pr message 3
[TD-3796]: test null value in JDBC-JNI
Release Notes
[TD-3601]: fix early 1970 time problem
[TD-3534]: fix TD-3534
[TD-3465]: fix TD-3465
[TD-3298]: fix coverity scan error
[td-3662]: fix invalid write caused by top/bottom query.
[TD-3580]: taosdump support human readable time format. (#5674)
[TD-3636]: taosdemo disorder rework. (#5671)
[TD-3660]: taosdemo gracefully exit if super table not exist. (#5670)
[TD-3657]: sdbUpdateMnodeRoles before check mnodeAllOnline
[TD-3458]: Fix the bug of losing tables in multiple replicas
[TD-3653]: taosdemo json parameter cleanup. (#5665)
[TD-3641]: fix interlace timestamp step issue. (#5654)
[TD-3642]: fix staging directory resource leak
[TD-3417]: stop and delete the nginxd.service for enterprise edition (#5617)
[TD-3612]: fix vnode write msg double free issue
[td-3457]: fix the bug that cancel request failed to stop query at vnodes.
[td-3571]: fix null value filter bug for bool type.
[TD-3314]: new staging directory for deleting vnodes
[TD-3284]: taosdemo support fixed value tag. (#5632)
[TD-3598]: cleanup few code lines. (#5622)
[TD-3591]: rework limit and offset logic. (#5618)
[TD-3589]: taosdemo need to use db before query. (#5612)
[TD-3577]: taosdemo print stb insert interval. (#5610)
[TD-3592]: fix dnode ID syntax in drop dnode <dnode_id>
[TD-3576]: taosdemo print query times. (#5609)
[TD-3581]: fix uniq/dnode/remove2.sim step3
[TD-3449]: fix drop if not exists error
[TD-3544]: move query times detect to query meta file parse. (#5597)
[TD-3546]: fix taosdemo quer crash as index variable mistake. (#5598)
[TD-3524]: taosdemo query multithreading workaround. (#5587)
[TD-3185]: default numOfCommitThreads to 4, show in cfg template
[TD-3478]: increase thread num of table creation same as insert… (#5577)
[TD-3472]: fix query times determination miss. (#5576)
[TD-3321]: describe stb with better logic. (#5559)
[TD-3349]: maxSQLLength <- TSDB_MAX_ALLOWED_SQL_LEN; minTablesPerVnode, tableIncStepPerVnode <- 100
[TD-3357]: fix child table count if exists. (#5542)
[TD-3433]: fix child table count issue. (#5552)
[TD-3407]: print more info to result file. (#5538)
[td-3391]: fix invalid error msg.
[TD-3431]: fix taosdemo cmdline incorrect arguments. (#5536)
[TD-3410]: support nutz framework (#5600)
[TD-3402]: taosdemo version. (#5574)
[TD-3036]: syncdb <db_name> replica;
[td-3036]: support the db sync operator.
[TD-2639]: fix minor typo.
[TD-3649]: fix minor typo.
[TD-3649]: update compatibility about HuaWei EulerOS.
[TD-3645]: add description about dimension microsecond in timestamp.
[TD-2518]: timestamp add support for time before year 1970.
[TD-3624]: fix minor typo.
[TD-3573]: add timezone section in faq.
[TD-2639]: add descriptions about database options that can be altered.
[TD-2639]: add a little space for better display format.
[TD-2639]: fix bold text in table title.
[TD-2639]: add detail about firstEp.
[TD-2639]: fix minor typo.
[TD-2639]: update memory size estimation.
[TD-3430]: cmake minimal version is 2.8.12.x.
[TD-2639]: clarify the length limitation of tags.
[TD-3588]: update test case
[TD-3602]: update perf test script
[TD-3474]: add test case
[TD-1139]: add c examples into CI
[TD-3413]: make docker cluster support enterprise
[TD-3274]: add test case for after 1970 years
Release Notes
[TD-3353]: solve race condition coredump
[TD-3320]: fix sync coredump
[TD-3370]: fix used disk size, show acctual used instead of non-avail to current user
[TD-3369]: fix taosdemo invalid write valgrind reports. (#5496)
[td-3361]: fix crash caused by nchar type filter.
[TD-3356]: fix bug regarding limit offset with exist child table. (#5495)
[TD-3357]: fix child table count if exists. (#5488)
[TD-3355]: Fix invalid table id problem caused by idpool
[td-3361]: nchar tag filter caused client crash.
[TD-3337]: [balance] fix pVgroup->pDb NULL pointer crash
[TD-3332]: vnode report status if not closing instead of not ready
[td-3338]: query data before 1970-1-1 00
[td-3318]: fix crash caused by empty stddev query.
[td-3183]: fix unsigned number arithmetic calculation with sort option caused crash.
[td-3331]: print timestamp format error.
[td-3315]: enable insert timestamp in the format of string '1970-1-1 8
[td-3313]: fix join bug
[TD-3082]: jdbc connector support unsigned tinyint, smallint, int, bigint (#5447)
[TD-3192]: support child table limit and offset.
[TD-3192]: support child table limit and offset.
[TD-2639]: fix link url detail.
[TD-2354]: need reboot to take effect when alter CACHELAST option.
[TD-2639]: improve expression of some sentences.
[TD-3363]: fix typo.
[TD-3352]: move "quick run" section into "install" part.
[TD-2639]: clarify "now" function usage when insert multi-rows.
[TD-2639]: clarify estimation of memory requirement.
[TD-3336]: update description about "make install" and start service.
[TD-3365]: update test case
[TD-3365]: add test case for query filter on tag type
[TD-3316]: add testcase for taosdemo child table limit and offset.
[TD-1002]: add test case for double type
[TD-3154]: fix invalid write
[TD-3096]: fix query dead lock
[TD-3075]: fix SBlockCol offset overflow
[TD-3147]: support insert interval. stb case passed.
[TD-3147]: support insert interval. use seperate func for normal table write.
[TD-3177]: fix demo.c checking result error mistake.
[TD-3171]: response error code if any
[TD-3142]: fix JDBC-RESTful back ResultSet with null Type
[TD-3147]: support insert interval. refactor.
[TD-3147]: support insert interval. support no-stb in middle.
[TD-3147]: support insert interval. support no-stb in middle.
[TD-3147]: support insert interval. merge upstream.
[TD-3147]: support insert interval. json works.
[TD-3110]: TSDB_MIN_WAL_LEVEL <- 0 to allow db wal no log
[TD-3167]: fix cannot use chinese charset in docker images
[TD-3158]: fix http column_meta test cases
[TD-3158]: replace head_type with column_meta in http response
[TD-3147]: support insert interval instead of insert rate. cleanup
[TD-3147]: support insert internal instead of insert rate.
[TD-3043]: allow monitor db table to be dropped & altered
[TD-3160]: fix c demo program compile issue.
[TD-3147]: change insert rate to insert interval.
[TD-3042]: fix unsigned to signed conversion with serverPort
[TD-3124]: stop & free TAOS_RES *result post http queue shutdown
[td-3141]: fix the crash of taosd caused by a percentile query on the unsigned numeric data type.
[TD-3113]: remove curl from TDengine. fix linux compile issue.
[TD-3113]: remove curl from TDengine. fix windows compile issue.
[td-3016]: fix sum error for unsigned data type.
[TD-3117]: fix taosdemo coredump led by cntDelay.
[TD-2183]: fix coverity scan issue in taosdemo and taosdump.
[TD-3107]: handle Too many sync fwd infos error crash with batch create table
[TD-2210]: use LWP tid. remove few darwin-related code.
[TD-3113]: remove curl from TDengine. fix compile for mac
[TD-2210]: use LWP tid. fix assertion on mac.
[td-3016]: fix unsigned sum error.
[TD-2008]: min(tsHttpMaxThreads) <- 2, default(tsHttpMaxThreads) <- half of tsNumOfCores
[TD-3073]: fix syncing role not displayed issue
[TD-3085]: support insert speed info.
[td-3009]: diff can not be applied to unsigned numeric data type.
[td-3001]: fix tag filter bug in case of unsigned number existing.
[td-3021]: fix the sql of creating table parsing failed if more than one space exists.
[td-3027]: fix bugs in alter table by adding unsigned tags.
[td-3003]: fix the bug in alter table.
[td-3012]: fix error of the leastsquares in handling unsigned data.
[td-3017]: fix bug in top/bottom query on unsigned data type.
[td-3018]: fix bug in twa query on unsigned data type.
[td-3013]: fix bug in unsigned bigint max/min query.
[TD-3064]: fix wal file size(>2G) overflow with int32_t
[TD-3068]: When the creation of log file fails, the length of old log grows infinitely
[TD-3061]: fix compile issue for arm32 and windows.
[TD-2984]: combine taosdemo and taosdemox. add perf statistics.
[TD-3037]: disable balance for enterprise user.
[TD-3038]: fix incorrect disk free size calculation
[TD-2984]: combine taosdemo and taosdemox. fix ansi escape for windows.
[TD-3031]: fix NULL parser crash
[td-3014]: fix error in spread function when applying to unsigned values.
[td-3035]: fix bug in projections query on super table with filter condition.
[TD-2984]: combine taosdemo and taosdemox. modify test case for new schema.
[TD-2999]: [http] fix NULL parser crash
[TD-2984]: combine taosdemo and taosdemox. solve windows build issue.
[TD-2996]: reset pContext->singleCmd to zeroes when httpReleaseContext(pContext, true)
[TD-2982]: disable rpmbuild auto detect dependency
[TD-2969]: fix rust example submodule issue.
[TD-3158]: add head_type fileds with RESTful API
[TD-3044]: log check global cfg completed to grep count start times
[TD-2955]: [wal][v2] checksum whole wal record instead of just head
[TD-3173]: java taosdemo can execute one sql statement by commandline
[TD-3148]: make build system detect host arch.
[TD-3148]: make build system detect host arch. add other variables.
[TD-3148]: make build system detect host arch. detect amd64 and x86
[TD-3148]: make build system detect host arch. detect aarch32
[TD-2868]: JDBC-RESTful support PreparedStatement and addBatch
[TD-2868]: JDBC-Restful supported PreparedStatement
[TD-2971]: make python connector support unsigned int. fix None determine.
[TECO-43]: transfer Chinese docs to grav cms system.
[TD-3157]: update readme regarding host arch detecting.
[TD-2639]: fix title number in faq page.
[TD-2639]: fix minor typo about EndPoint options.
[TD-2008]: update default value for option httpMaxThreads.
[TD-3114]: refine centos environment package list
[TD-2639]: add description about normal node can redirect to mnode to provide mnode EP list.
[TD-2639]: clarify keyword stable support relate to system version.
[TD-2639]: Binary column should only store ASCII string.
[TD-2639]: fix minor typo.
[TD-2354]: describe option for caching table last row.
[TD-2639]: fix link to replica doc.
[TD-2639]: fix case sensitive things.
[TD-2423]: allow create table from super table with just specific tag columns.
[TD-2639]: move insert example to be the right place.
[TD-203]: emphasize the best practice about connection sharing in multi threads.
[TD-2568]: describe new commands about client log management.
[TD-2863]: change the unit of measurement for config tsQueryBufferSize.
[TD-1977]: add query unit test into CI
[TD-3155]: add test case
[TD-3154]: update test case
[TD-3069]: add test case
[TD-2953]: add jdbc cases into CI
[TD-2423]: add test case
[TD-2977]: add test case
[TD-2846]: update docker cluster scripts
Release Notes
[TD-2887]: fix possible race condition coredump
[TD-2962]: fix pContext NULL crash
[TD-2886]: change the error code if the table has been removed and created again with different table schema before issuing query to a vnode.[TD-2910]: fix onlineDnodes > totalDnodes issue
[TD-2643,TD-2925]: update sim test case and JDBCDemo doc
[TD-2925]: rename keep2,keep1 -> keep1,keep0
[TD-2936]: change default path to follow mac standard.
[TD-2923]: Not show databases in dropping
[TD-2822]: fix invalid result set pointer bugs
[TD-2875]: comment out stderr print to make crash_gen no Killed
[TD-2918]: delet stable in mnode first before send dnode drop stable msg
[TD-2402]: remove WINDOS macro related code in ttimer
[TD-2402]: set rows <- 1 constantly when update http sql return success
[TD-2901]: fix bug taosdemo with mono compiled does not exit.
[TD-2402]: set rows <- 1 constantly when update http sql return success
[TD-2885]: fix memory leak.
[TD-2893]: fix http invalid url error typo.
[TD-2875]: use monotonic clock source to fix leap-second issue
[TD-2931]: add -y parameter to skip prompt.
[TD-2771]: python version taosdemo. add native interface
[TD-2005]: add ErrorNumber in JDBC driver
[TD-2891]: get process cmdline by pid on mac.
[TD-2555]: super table query support stddev query.
[TD-2639]: fix typo in example of alter table tags.
[TD-2639]: fix software version number about STDDEV() on super table.
[TD-2568]: add test case
[TD-1351]: add test case
[TD-2671]: add test case for STABLE
[TD-2850]: add test case
[TD-2801]: add test case
Release Notes
[TD-2873]: fix compile issue.
[TD-2541]: optimized the connection pool demo codes
[TD-2597]: fix Druid and HikariCP configurations
[TD-2793]: fix -p option of taos.exe
[TD-2845]: new -V option to taos.exe
[TD-2827]: fix JDBC-RESTful resultSet and restSetMetaData bugs
[TD-2839]: set tsOfflineThreshold max <- 86400 * 365
[TD-2839]: fix tsOfflineThreshold code comments
[TD-2832]: use httpDecodeUrl to parse reserved characters after percent-encoding
[TD-2696]: fix RFC3339 timestamp bug.
[TD-2790]: fix the bug that tableMeta is not updated if parse error occurs.
[TD-2445]: dump toasd process cfgs
[TD-2805]: null pointer checking
[TD-2808]: fix http password len
[TD-2794]: fix authentication failed with changed password
[TD-2794]: fix authentication failed with changed password
[TD-2718]: new create multiple tables test cases
[TD-2490]: add check for full table name.
[TD-2697]: fix buffer overflow
[TD-2769]: make nodejs connector use napi to support v10 and v12.
[TD-2769]: lock ref-napi version to 1.5.2.
[TD-2788]: fix two telemetryReporting options in taos.cfg.
[TD-2769]: update package json files.
[TD-1600]: return error code to client if importing data from file failed.
[TD-2778]: fix invalid read during merge data in both buffer and data files.
[TD-2777]: fix potential risk to execute rm -rf /
[TD-2769]:nodejs 12+ adapt
[TD-2247]: fix invalid sql caused client crash.
[TD-2785]: Allow to judge the status of sync and arbitrator ports
[TD-2759]: remove 1s additional check peer conn timer interval
[TD-109]: support mac compile with xcode11.4 in travis CI. enable in .travis.yml
[TD-109]: support mac compile with xcode11.4 in travis CI. redefine MSG_NOSIGNAL
[TD-2339]: interpolation can be applied along with the time window.
[TD-2776]: add stable infos in getTables method
[TD-2635]: support next fill option.
[TD-1413]: enterprise edition support multi-layer storage now.
[TD-2571]: add new keyword DISTINCT to select different values of tag column in super table.
[TD-2852]: add Mac platform compiling section to the
[TD-2829]: refine Windows compiling section of
[TD-2639]: twa() do not support super table in current version.
[TD-2639]: remove unessential emphasis.
[TD-2639]: fix indent of doc.
[TD-2639]: fix escape code type error.
[TD-2671]: Super Table will use keyword "STABLE" since now.
[TD-2639]: remove one misplaced doc.
[TD-2639]: distinguish the concept Arbitrator and the command tarbitrator.
[TD-2757]: fix description about VNode mem cache.
[TD-2775]: update faq regarding UPDATE parameter.
[TD-2763]: remove outdated description.
[TD-2555]: STDDEV() support calculation on super table.
[TD-2639]: fix minor typo.
[TD-2639]: fix a code format.
[TD-2639]: fix minor typo.
[TD-2775]: add update to faq, fix minor typo.
[TD-2775]: add update to faq.
[TD-2672]: optimized the JDBC test cases
[TD-2700]: add test case
[TD-2635]: add test case
[TD-1024]: add test case
[TD-2720][TD-2247]: add test case
[TD-2451]: add test case
[TD-2695]: change jdbc unit test cases
Release Notes
[TD-2758]: database may always in syncing state because a node is offline
[TD-2752]: check if the FILE pointer is valid or not.
[TD-2756]: correct docstring in taos.cfg
[TD-2606]: enlarge TSDB_MAX_WAL_SIZE from 2M to 3M
[TD-2632]: add batch size suggestion for batch creating tables.
[TD-2720]: fix description for account name length limit
[TD-2680]: "show dnodes" will include arbitrator node
[TD-1866]: describe the relationship of taos_consume & taos_free_result