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Duck Studio

Online store where you can get cute little rubber ducks.

Duck Studio is an e-commerce website that offers cute little rubber ducks for sale. Website visitors can sign-up, login and start shopping. Checkout is available with Stripe payment system. Created using responsive design. Written in JavaScript/React on frontend and Ruby on Rails on a backend. Deployed on Heroku/Firebase.


Demo: YouTube


  • Ruby on Rails;
  • JavaScript;
  • React;
  • Docker;
  • Stripe.


How to run instructions:

  1. Fork and clone this Project's GitHub repository.
  2. Have current version of Ruby, Rails and Node installed.
  3. Open a terminal and navigate into the backend folder:
  • Install required gems (listed in Gemfile) by running the command 'bundle install';
  • Run the command 'rails db:create' which will create the database;
  • Run the command 'rails db:migrate' which will do DB migrations;
  • Run the command 'rails db:seed' which will populate the database with existing user/plan/lists/tasks data;
  • Run the command 'rails s' to start backend server;
  1. Open a separate terminal window/tab and navigate into the frontend folder:
  • Run the command 'npm install' to install dependencies into the node_modules/ directory;
  • Run the command 'npm start' to start frontend server.

Future features:

  • unit tests;
  • suggested items;
  • favorite items;
  • user profile;
  • email auto-response;
  • purchase history;
  • cart/checkout cleanup;
  • admin account.

Duck Studio is an online store integrated with Stripe (test mode ON) and was created for educational purposes only. Created by Tatiana Smolin as part of a MOD3 Solo Project at Flatiron School.