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@tbates tbates released this 12 Dec 20:28
· 893 commits to master since this release

umx 4.2.5: 40 additional features, fixes, code and help improvements!

  • December 2020 R 4.0.3 (2020-12-12) (commit a2a16bb)
  • NEW: tmx_show display model matrices on the web, with color-coded free/false, values + roll-over labels.
  • NEW: harmonic_mean with support for weights.
  • NEW: geometric_mean
  • NEW: fin_compound_interest
  • NEW: fin_percent_off
  • IMPROVED: umxPlotGxE gains CI ribbons (closes #96)
  • IMPROVED: umxPlotGxE defaults to use ggplot and now returns the graphs for decoration (closes #139)
  • IMPROVED: umxPlotGxE can now plot user-specified moderator ranges (closes #96)
  • IMPROVED: umxPlotIP now relies on matrix cells, not the labels they contain (closes #61)
  • IMPROVED: umxACE returns group models invisibly #134 @khusmann.
  • IMPROVED: plot now allows "ortho" "compound" and "polyline" spline control.
  • IMPROVED: umx_set_optimization_options can get and set "Parallel diagnostics"
  • IMPROVED: umx_set_optimization_options can get and set "Parallel diagnostics".
  • IMPROVED: tmx_show smart about not printing NULL matrices.
  • IMPROVED: 'umxEquategained anewlabels` parameter for the equated paths (rather than one path adopting the label of the other)
  • IMPROVED: umx_score_scale supports minManifests for factor scores
  • IMPROVED: umx_open_CRAN_page now can install a package if not installed, as well as open the CRAN page for the package.
  • IMPROVED: umx_rename_file nicer user feedback about matches and files checked
  • IMPROVED: umx_long2wide more resilient to zygosity column type
  • IMPROVED: umxSummarizeTwinData more resilient to name of age column
  • IMPROVED: plot strip_zero option works for fixed (@) parameters
  • IMPROVED: umx_is_class handle non-df input
  • IMPROVED: umxCI: gains regex parameter to support adding and removing CIs on labels matching a string pattern.
  • IMPROVED: umx_is_class handle non-df input
  • IMPROVED: umx_rename_file nicer user feedback about matches and files checked
  • IMPROVED: umx_set_table_format to markdown on load
  • FIXED: 'umxRAM` group option failing to pass autoRun tryHard Merge pull request #134 @khusmann
  • FIXED: umxRAM with a model as first parameter now doesn't demand new data. Updates data if data is provided.
  • FIXED: umxPlotIP wasn't working with threshold models (didn't ignore thresh names for plot).
  • FIXED: umx_time was using time units for model 1 for all models... h/t @khusmann
  • FIXED: umxPlotACEv was not displaying half the variables in an MV model as NA.
  • FIXED: umx_set_cores no longer use imxGetNumThreads which is actually hard-coded to not report number of threads.
  • FIXED: Check for more than one named CI requested (closes #136).
  • FIXED: tmx_show has html_font parameter in help.
  • WORKAROUND: 'umxSummarywrapsmxRefModels` error for WLS models in tryCatch to tell user OpenMx doesn't support fit stats for WLS as yet.
  • BACKWARD: umxThresholdMatrix changed parameter from selDVs to fullVarNames to prevent user error.
  • HELP: harmonic_mean example averaging speeds across distance.
  • NEW: umx_read_prolific_demog to read prolific academic demographics files.