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Manages the deployment of numbered change scripts in versioned folders to a SQL, Oracle, or MySQL database, using a simple table in the database to track applied changes.


  • Auto-creates change tracking table with customizable name.
  • Tracks user, output, status, and dates of all scripts executed in change log table.
  • Supports SQLCMD mode.
  • Supports preventing new script execution when previous scripts failed.
  • Supports XML configuration for multiple change sets.
  • Supports separate schema name for change log table (example: dbo2.ChangeLog).


Latest binaries available at


dbdeploy.NET integrates with the following platforms:

  • Command Line
  • Powershell
  • MSBuild
  • NAnt

It also runs in the following modes:

  • Direct to database
  • Combined ouput script to be run

Command Line

The standard usage for dbdeploy.NET in a SQL Server environment is shown below:

dbdeploy.exe --connectionstring="Server=.\SQL2012;Database=DBDEPLOY;Trusted_Connection=True;" --scriptdirectory="C:\MyProject\Database\Scripts" -usesqlcmd=true

The scriptdirectory is the location on the file system where a set of numbered scripts to run are located.

Script Directory Structure

The recommended structure for scripts is a folder that contains multiple sub-folders by application versions number. Then inside of these folder are scripts prefixed with a number that represents the order they should be applied. An example is shown below:

        001.Initial Schema Creation.sql	
        002.Add Customer Table.sql
        003.Add Geographic Data.sql
        001.Add Product Table.sql	
        002.Add Stock Column to Product Table.sql

The versioned folder system supports up to the standard four numbers in .NET (Example: All scripts will be executed by version order then script number order.

Example Output

Reading change scripts from directory 'C:\MyProject\Database\Scripts'...

Changes currently applied to database:
  v2.0.0.0       1, 2
Scripts available:
  v2.0.0.0       1..3
  v2.0.10.0     1..3
To be applied:
  v2.0.0.0       3
  v2.0.10.0     1..3

Applying change scripts...

v2.0.0.0/003.Add Sold Column.sql (3)
Adding nullable Sold Column

v2.0.10.0/001.Add Customer Table.sql (1)
Creating Customer table.

v2.0.10.0/002.Add Email Column Table.sql (2)
Adding nullable Email Column
Setting Email Column default

(0 rows affected)
Setting Email Column to not nullable

v2.0.10.0/003.Add Customer Data.sql (3)
Adding 2 customers

(2 rows affected)
Done adding customers

All scripts applied successfully.

All Command Options

  -d, --dbms=VALUE           DBMS type ('mssql', 'mysql' or 'ora')
  -c, --connectionstring=VALUE
                             connection string for database
  -s, --scriptdirectory=VALUE
                             directory containing change scripts (default: .)
  -o, --outputfile=VALUE     output file
  -t, --changelogtablename=VALUE
                             name of change log table to use (default:
  -a, --autocreatechangelogtable=VALUE
                             automatically creates the change log table if it
                               does not exist (true or false).  Defaults to
  -f, --forceupdate=VALUE    forces previously failed scripts to be run again
                               (true or false).  Defaults to false.
  -u, --usesqlcmd=VALUE      runs scripts in SQLCMD mode (true or false).
                               Defaults to false.
  -l, --lastchangetoapply=VALUE
                             sets the last change to apply in the form of
                               folder/scriptnumber (v1.0.0/4).
  -e, --encoding=VALUE       encoding for input and output files (default:
                             template directory
      --delimiter=VALUE      delimiter to separate sql statements
      --delimitertype=VALUE  delimiter type to separate sql statements (row
                               or normal)
      --lineending=VALUE     line ending to use when applying scripts direct
                               to db (platform, cr, crlf, lf)
      --config=VALUE         configuration file to use for all settings.

Re-running with Failed Scripts

When a script has failed to execute successfully, it will be tracked in the change log table with a status of 1 (Failure). On subsequent runs, dbdeploy.NET will show an error, and the output from the previous run until one of the following is done:

  • --forceupdate=true is specified on the command parameters.
  • The failed change log entry is set to a status of 3 (Resolved) in the database.

Example output when a run has failed is shown below:

Reading change scripts from directory 'C:\MyProject\Database\Scripts'...

The script 'v2.0.10.0/001.Add Customer Table.sql (1)' failed to complete
on a previous run.
You must update the status to Resolved (2), or force updates.

Ouput from the previous run
Unable to create object 'Customer'.

The table already exists.

Change Log Table

The table that is automatically created for change tracking has the following schema:

Column Data Type Description
ChangeId INT Auto-incrementing unique ID for each change entry
Folder VARCHAR(256) Versioned folder name (Example: v1.0).
ScriptNumber SMALLINT Squential script number within folder.
ScriptName VARCHAR(512) File name including extension.
StartDate DATETIME Date and time script started.
CompleteDate DATETIME Date and time script ended even if it failed.
AppliedBy VARCHAR(128) User account that ran the script.
ScriptStatus TINYINT 0 = Failure, 1 = Success, 2 = Problem Resolved, 3 = Started
ScriptOutput VARCHAR(MAX) Full output of the script execution.

XML Configured Runs

The command line dbdeploy.NET supports running scripts from an XML configuration. An example is shown below:

dbdeploy.exe --config="C:\MyProject\Database\Scripts\Deployments.config.xml"

The XML file can contain multiple runs and change sets as shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Multiple deployments can be executed. -->
     <!-- Typical SQL Server run. -->

    <!-- Run with all options. -->
        connectionString="Server=.\;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;User Id=MyUser;Password=SomePass01"

Any path specified can be absolute, or relative to the location of the configuration file.

What About SSDT?

Using SQL Server Developer Tools is still highly valuable with dbdeploy.NET. It can be used to generate the change scripts in the following way:

  1. Setup a SQL Server Database project.
  2. Pull latest from source control.
  3. Run dbdeploy.NET to make sure your database instance is up to the latest version.
  4. Make your changes in SQL Server Management Studio.
  5. Run a SQL Compare from your database project to your database instance.
  6. Save the script from the compare as your change script.
  7. Apply the changes from the SQL Compare to your database project.
  8. Check in the database project and the change scripts together.
  9. Now the next developer can get latest and make their changes.

Additional Info

dbdeploy.NET was originally ported from dbdeploy.


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  • C# 88.3%
  • PowerShell 11.5%
  • Shell 0.2%