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The Pi-hole ad blocker is an effective tool for blocking ads network-wide, but it can sometimes interfere with online services like video streaming or opening some web pages. Of course you can pause ad blocking from the Pi-hole admin dashboard, but it is a hassle, especially if you have more than one configured in your network. It's also inconvenient for other users who may not have access to the Pi-hole's dashboard.

To address these issues, we introduce PausePi, a tool that allows you to temporarily pause Pi-hole's ad blocking from a single web page.


  • Pause ad blocking for one or multiple Pi-holes simultaneously
  • Adjustable pause duration (default: 30 seconds) via URL parameter
  • Includes an easy-to-use configuration tool for managing your Pi-holes' information
  • Configurable minimum and maximum pause durations via environment variables
  • Deployable as a Docker container
  • Supports Pi-hole versions 5 and 6


PausePi is a Laravel 11 application. To deploy it, you can either use the provided docker container or install it natively.

Docker Container

To deploy it as a Docker container (this assumes Docker is already installed):

  • Clone this repository to a directory of your choice.
  • CD into this directory and run the following commands:
docker compose up -d --build
docker exec -it pausepi-php cp /var/www/.env.example /var/www/.env
docker exec -it pausepi-php php /var/www/artisan key:generate
docker exec -it pausepi-php php /var/www/artisan migrate

Native install

  • Clone this repository to a directory of your choice.
  • Set up a PHP 8.3+ environment with the required extensions and server configuration (see Laravel's documentation).
  • Install the PHP sqlite3 extension.
  • CD into the directory and run the following commands:
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate


To enable communication between the application and your Pi-holes, you will need to provide the necessary configuration information. This includes the IP addresses of the Pi-holes and their corresponding API tokens (for version 5) or password (for version 6). The API token can be retrieved from the Pi-hole's administrative dashboard by navigating to Settings > API > Show API Token. To configure them, run the included PausePi Manager from the command line:

If running the docker container

docker exec -it pausepi-php php /var/www/artisan pausepi:manager

If running natively

php artisan pausepi:manager

This tool allows you to view configured Pi-holes, as well as add, edit, or remove them. Note that if you ever change the Pi-hole admin password, the API Token will change as well and you will need to re-run this manager to update it (version 5 only). Also note that, at this time, this does not support version 6 2FA. When using 2FA, it is recommended to configure an app password to use with PausePi.


Once installed and configured, pause ad blocking by visiting your web server's URL in your browser. PausePi will attempt to pause all configured Pi-holes simultaneously. From there, you will also:

  • View the current status of pausing, including which Pi-holes were successfully paused
  • See a timer indicating when ad blocking will resume

You can also adjust the pause duration by adding a parameter to the URL. For example, to pause for 60 seconds, you would add 60 to the URL: http://pausepi/60. The default maximum pause duration is 5 minutes (300 seconds), but this can be adjusted via environment variables if needed.

To adjust the minimum and maximum pause durations, update the following values in your .env file:

  • PAUSEPI_MIN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: sets the minimum pause duration in seconds (also serves as the default) and
  • PAUSEPI_MAX_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: sets the maximum pause duration in seconds

For example, to set a minimum pause duration of 15 seconds and a maximum duration of 10 minutes, you would update your .env file as follows:

# PausePi specific config


If you'd like to contribute to this project or suggest improvements, please feel free to submit your ideas. You can also open a pull request for new features or bug fixes.