- This distribution does not include any prebuilt xrdp binaries (and ulalaca-xrdp); you may need to build/install xrdp manually. (see INSTALLATION GUIDE)
This version of Ulalaca is not compatible with older versions (~2023-06-08) of XrdpUlalaca.
If you have installed xrdp/XrdpUlalaca using xrdp-brew-formulas, please uninstall and reinstall them. -
The 'Screen Recording' and 'Accessibility' permissions must be granted to /Applications/sessionprojector.app.
After Ulalaca is installed, notifications will not displayed unless the 'Allow notifications when mirroring or sharing the display' option is enabled in System Preferences.
- you can initiate (experimental) concurrent session by selecting user switcher -> 'Login Window...'
Since uninstaller is not provided at this time, the following paths must be removed manually.
- remove '/Applications/sessionprojector.app'
- remove '/opt/ulalaca-sessionbroker'
- remove '/Library/LaunchAgents/pl.unstabler.ulalaca.sessionprojector.launcher.plist'
- remove '/Library/LaunchDaemons/pl.unstabler.ulalaca.sessionbroker.plist'
- hotfix: fix possibility of pointer corruption when compiled with optimization option by @unstabler in #14
- feature: add definition / implementation for PROJECTION_HELLO message by @unstabler in #15
Full Changelog: 0.0.0-test...0.2.0-alpha1