This page is for tips for great stuff on internet, usefull for developers.
- [Markdown basics] ( --
github markdown basics
- [QGit] (
- [Got Proxy] (
- git init --
init a git server
- git status --
git status
- git add . --
stage a folder
- git log --
check git log
- .gitignore --
git ignore file
- git branch 'mybranch' --
git create a branch
- git chekcout 'mybranch' --
git swap to a branch
- git chekcout master --
git swap to master
- git merge mybranch --
git merge mybranch to master
- git clone --
git clone a git from a url repo
- git push --
puch changes to server, after stage and commit
- git fetch --
get changes from remote server
- git linux clients --
Cassandra is great to work when using a lot of writes. Some tips on tunning and support.
- Compaction --
When to Use Leveled Compaction
- nmap -Pn --
display open ports on a host
sudo apt-get install kismet --
ubuntu wifi sniffer
goto uau sudo ifconfig wlan0 down sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor iwconfig wlan0 sudo ifconfig wlan0 up sudo tcpdump -i wlan0 -n -w file.cap
back to normal sudo ifconfig wlan0 down sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode managed sudo ifconfig wlan0 up iwconfig wlan0
sudo apt-get install wavemon --
ubuntu wifi sniffer
watch -n 1 iwconfig wlan0 -- ``
wavemon -i wlan0 -- ``
- mapdata --
highcharts maps
- [leafletjs] ( --
maps, geojson
- [visjs] ( -- Hierarchical Layout
- [d3js wrapper] ( -- c3.js