Here you may find all the projects I did during the training
Week 1:
- StandUp Notes
- Git and GitHub
- Set up SSH-connection to the virtual machine using Linux machine
- Linux Machine Files and Directories
- Working with text (CLI)
- VM Users and groups
- File permissions
- Processes
- Bash scripting
- Cron Jobs
Week 2:
- StandUp Notes
- OSI Stack
- Network Devices
- Protocols
- Counting in Binary and Hex
- IP Addresses
- Subnetting
- Networking case study
- Subnetting Presentation
Week 3:
- StandUp Notes
- Network Detection
- Firewalls
- Identity and Access Management
- Symmetric Encryption
- Assymetric Encryption
- Public Key Infrastructure
- Passwords
- Detection, response and analysis
Week 4:
- StandUp Notes
- Azure Global Infrastructure
- Cost Management + Billing
- Advantages of the cloud
- Azure Core Services
- Azure Storage Account
- Azure Virtual Machines
- Azure Disk Storage
- Firewalls
- Shared Responsibility Model
- Azure Virtual Network (VNet)
Week 5:
- StandUp Notes
- Azure Load Balancer (ALB) & Auto Scaling
- Well-Architected Framework
- Files, AppServices, CDN, DNS, Database
- Presentation: Well-Architected Framework
- Whiteboard: Well-Architected Framework
Week 6-9:
- Azure Active Directory
- Azure Activity Log
- Azure Advisor
- Azure App Configuration
- CosmosDB
- Azure Functions
- Azure Monitor
- Azure Support Plans
- Container
- Event Grid
- Queue Storage
- Service Bus
Week 10-16:
|- 000_cloud_project < Cloud Portfolio Project
|- 00_includes < The directory for all the screenshots
|- 00_templates < The directory to find all my customized templates
|- 00_scrumnotes < The directory for all the standup and other notes
|- < Bullet points of this projects
|- < Helpful links about the training
|- week-1
| |- 01_git_github
| |- 01_linux_01
| |- 01_linux_02
| |- 01_linux_03
| |- 01_linux_04
| |- 01_linux_05
| |- 01_linux_06
| |- 01_linux_07
| |- 01_linux_08
|- week-2
| |- 02_network_01
| |- 02_network_02
| |- 02_network_03
| |- 02_network_04
| |- 02_network_05
| |- 02_network_06
| |- 03_network_07
|- week-3
| |- 03_security_01
| |- 03_security_02
| |- 03_security_03
| |- 03_security_04
| |- 03_security_05
| |- 03_security_06
| |- 03_security_07
| |- 03_security_08
|- week-4
| |- 04_cloud_01
| |- 04_cloud_02
| |- 04_cloud_03
| |- 04_cloud_04
| |- 04_cloud_05
| |- 04_cloud_06
| |- 04_cloud_07
| |- 04_cloud_08
| |- 04_cloud_09
| |- 04_cloud_10
|- week-5
| |- 05_cloud_11
| |- 05_cloud_12
| |- 05_cloud_13
|- week-6-9
| |- 06_az_active_directory
| |- 06_az_activity_log
| |- 06_az_advisor
| |- 06_az_app_config
| |- 06_az_cosmosdb
| |- 06_az_func
| |- 06_az_advisor
| |- 06_az_monitor
| |- 06_az_support_plans
| |- 06_containers
| |- 06_event_grid
| |- 06_exam_prep
| |- 06_exam_prep
| |- 06_queue_storage
| |- 06_service_bus
|- week-10-16
| |- Python files