Slides and tutorials for GitNoon.
- Print out the Tutorial Speaker Notes for the lesson so that you can read from them as you type code in a notebook
- Familiarise yourself with the slides and speaker notes for the lesson
- Practising the material, even by yourself, helps build confidence in the flow of the lesson!
- From the start of the lesson, have the initial "Get ready" or "Warm-Up Exercise" slide in the lesson's slide deck displayed on the screen.
- Disable auto-sleep on your machine so the slides stay up even when you're not moving the mouse
- Turn off notifications on your machine
- Once all attendees have arrived, continue through the administration slides in the slide deck
- If there is a Lunch Talk (or DEMO-ONLY portion of the tutorial), present that during the lunch time (allocate about 20 minutes)
- After the lunch time, show the Tutorial Objectives slide to outline the material that the tutorial will cover
- You and all attendees should open a terminal from which you can
commands- Use "Git Bash" on Windows to ensure everyone has a consistent terminal environment across operating systems
- Increase the font-size of your terminal to ensure all attendees can comfortably read it
- Bring up the bottom of your terminal window if it won't be visible from all seats
- Work through the Tutorial Speaker Notes for the lesson
- Have the speaker notes printed out ahead of time
- Read out (or paraphrase) written material
- Demonstrate each command example in the terminal
- Have attendees type along and run commands with you, and regularly check if anyone needs assistance from a helper
- After the tutorial, present the Independent Work/Homework slide
- Direct attendees to to find the lesson's slides and tutorial
- Also offer to help with any other course-related problems that attendees may have - such as from applying what they've learned in their job
- Find more tips for presenting from Software Carpentry