Centralized IT service management system to handle incident management and preventive maintenance operation process , there are serveral sub systems as belows.
- SMartApp For IT Service Management System
- Incident Knowledge Base & Agent Powered By Amazone Bedrock
- Incident Enterprise Search and Incident Summarization Powered By Google Search Vertex AI
- Smart Analytics Data Warehouse on BigQuery
- Severity Level Prediction (Critical/Normal)

- Customer will issue incident case to Site-Manager who is in charge of.
- Site manager will assign Engineer to fix any error/problem of such an inventory.
- Site manager will track the incident based on incident type and severity level (Critical,Major,Minor and Cosmatic) by taking note of incident details to handle any incident cases and update incident status.
- Site-Manager need to wait for the customer to accept the solution the engineer team resolves the incident's problem .
- The manager and Officer will create the MA-Plan of any project as a contract agreement. Once created MA-plan successfully,the system will copy all inventories of project for the MA-Plan.
- The system allows the manager to remove undesirable inventory items from PM Plan.
- The engineer can access to application to update any PM-Operation progress of each inventory.
- Database: Postqresql 12
- Web Application :Python Django 3.2
- Web Server : IIS
- Dashboard: Power BI.
- Project Management
- Inventory Management
- Incident Management
- Preventive Maintenance Management
- Model Import
- Site Metadata Management (Branch,Data Center,Customer Support,Procut Suport)
- Report And Dashboard
- Advance Pivot Excel Report (Excel)
- Site Grade Report (Excel)
- SMartDashboard-Report For Site-Manager (PowerBI)
- SMartBI For Customer (PowerBI)
- SMartApp_ScriptDev