Nuki Hub 9.07
What's Changed
- Fix WiFi factory reset by @iranl in #582
- Improve device ID for HA discovery by @iranl in #583
- Move to PsychicHTTP v2-dev branch, add HTTPS server (PSRAM only), add HTTP Digest Authentication by @iranl in #585
- Memory optimizations, MQTT SPIFFS and SPIFFS Import/Export by @iranl in #591
- PSRAM Optimizations by @iranl in #592
- Update NukiHub and Nuki device time using NTP by @iranl in #589
- Fix endless reboot on webserver disable + Fix HA ID by @iranl in #602
- Pioarduino 3.1.1 by @iranl in #603
- OTA to alternate (Quad/Octal) PSRAM S3 binary by @iranl in #587
- Add (back) some delays in nuki_ble to allow task yielding by @iranl in #590
- Improve OTA HTTP event logging by @iranl in #593
- Various improvements and fixes by @iranl in #594
- Fix lock/opener config in regards to keypadV2 and undocumented settings by @iranl in #596
- Update libs by @iranl in #597
- Improve nuki_ble data processing + further HA device id fix by @iranl in #601
- update nuki_ble by @iranl in #605
- chore: update log entry for HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA by @duhow in #586
Full Changelog: 9.06...9.07