A Powershell wrapper for the TeamDynamix ticket API, allowing you to create scripts that run ticket operations tasks in TeamDynamix.
This will install the module on the local machine:
Install-Module -Name 'UofITDXTickets'
After installing the module, you should set $env:TDXSettings to a JSON-formatted string containing BaseURI and AppID properties, for example:
$Env:Tdxsettings = '{ "BaseURI": ["https://help.uillinois.edu/TDWebApi/api/"], "AppID": ["01"] }'
Import the module using:
Import-Module -Name 'UofITDXTickets'
For a list of functions:
Get-Command -Module 'UofITDXTickets'
Get-Help is available for all functions in this module. For example:
Get-Help 'Update-TDXTicket' -Full
Submit a pull request on GitHub.
As of the last update to this README, the expected End-of-Life and End-of-Support dates of this product are November 2026.
End-of-Life was decided upon based on these dependencies and their End-of-Life dates:
- Powershell 7.4 (November 2026)
- Ticket Tasks functions https://help.uillinois.edu/TDWebApi/Home/section/TicketTasks