This is a demo project (self-contained with docker-compose) that showcases an ELT process to load data into a warehouse, and process from raw layers into semantic and analytic layers with DBT. The data is then presented in a Superset dashboard.
This demo has been developed using MACOS Monterey v12.5, you may encounter DB host issues with docker-compose if you are running it on windows (You can change DB host to host.docker.internal
in Apache superset for instance).
- Docker(8.0 GB of memory and 4 CPUs)
- Docker Compose CLI plugin
- If running on windows: Docker remote containers on WSL 2
- dbt CLI (Optional)(version installed for this demo: 1.6.0, postgres plugin: 1.6.0)
make build-all-images
make up # Start DB, Airflow, Superset services
You can now access (I recommend using incognito mode because logging into Superset with log you out of Airflow otherwise):
Airflow DAG(running on localhost:8080)
username: airflow
password: airflow
Now you should be able to see the transactions_elt
Manually trigger the DAG
The test task will fail because one test does not pass.
Now you can open Superset(running on localhost:8088)
username: admin
, password: admin
And manually import the should be done programmatically at init time in the container, but manual import will do for this demo). Postgres Db password: postgres
You can now see the "Monitoring Dashboard" that contains one graph that displays the accounts which withdrew more than 1 billion $USD over the period. Note that very little formatting has been done as this was not the purpose of this demo.
├──init_db.sql // SQL Query run during initialization of postgresDB
│ ├──profiles.yml
│ ├──tests
│ │ ├──.gitkeep
│ │ ├──ensure_withdrawal_or_deposit.sql
│ │ └──value_date_greater_than_transaction_date.sql
│ ├──models
│ │ ├──staging
│ │ │ ├──schema.yml
│ │ │ ├──source.yml
│ │ │ └──transactions.sql
│ ├──macros // custom macro to override the schema name
│ └──dbt_project.yml
├──Makefile // Makes terminal interactions much faster
├──data_ingestion // Contains the Python script
│ ├──
│ ├──requirements.txt
│ ├──Dockerfile
│ ├──
│ └──data
├──superset/ // Superset custom app
├──docs // Folder containing diagrams and screenshots
└──airflow // Custom Airflow app
The raw dataset (sourced from Kaggle) is located in transactions_data.csv. It represents synthetic bank transactions. An extract is presented below:
DBT is a compiler and runner, it doesn't handle raw data loading directly so we use a Python script to load the CSV data. Note that a PostgresOperator in Airflow would do for the data ingestion but I didn't want to ingest the full CSV and PostgresOperator isn't great for custom CSV imports. Another workaround that could be used for the demo is using the DBT "seed" but it is only recommended for static data whilst the withdrawls history is dynamic data.
Python script that will read the CSV, remove duplicates and drop the last column, we don't want to store data that carries no information.
DBT will read data from the raw schema, parse and format the data (cf transactions.sql)and finally dump it into the staging schema. An extract of the staging transaction
table is displayed below:
- DBT tests are located under ./dbt/tests/
- The Python script should also have unit/functional tests but they have been omitted to keep the demo simple. You can refer to my other repo financial-data-api if you want more details on python tests.
You will note that the Airflow task test_transformed_data
fails. I leave it as fail to showcase its utility. if you look at the logs you will notice that not all value dates and greater than the transaction dae, which means some transactions are backdated.
Note that the superset service may take 4-5min to spin up.
- Improve data viz with storytelling
- Dependency injections for test/dev/staging/prod environments
- Airflow DAGS and config should be included in the Docker image (mounting volumes allowed for fast iterations)
- Superset dashboard should be programmatically imported at init time
Check DBT DB connection status
dbt debug
Generate DBT documentation
dbt docs generate
dbt docs serve
Dry-run DBT
dbt compile
Run DBT tests
dbt test