- Build Archlinux nspawn containers easily.
- Run other container orchestration tools inside of containers within a second. Much faster than using vagrant.
- Manage multiple services inside of a container without the hassle of supervisord.
- archlinux/CoreOS
- systemd-nspawn
- systemd-networkd (systemd 215+)
- systemd-machined (systemd 219+)
- (btrfs)
Install go and run make. This will install conair to /usr/local/bin
make && make install
If you don't have a btrfs partition/root then you can create a loopback device with btrfs and mount it to /var/lib/machines
. I wrote a little tool called loopback for it.
sudo loopback create --name=conair --size=10 /var/lib/machines
Initialize your environment with:
conair init
Most of the times conair
requires root privileges. So make sure to prepend sudo
Create a base image:
conair bootstrap base # if you are on archlinux (pacstrap required)
conair pull base # download an image
btrfs subvolume create /var/lib/machines/base
pacstrap -i -c -d /var/lib/machines/base base
Dockerfiles and Conairfiles are supported. FROM, RUN and ADD are implemented. Conairfiles support PKG and ENABLE to install pacman packages and enable systemd units.
conair build my-new-image
conair init # Setup a bridge for the containers and add some iptables forwarding
conair destroy # Remove bridge, iptables and unit file
conair images # List all available conair images
conair run # Run a container
conair ps # List all conair containers
conair start # Start a container
conair stop # Stop a container
conair status # Status of container
conair attach # Attach to container
conair commit # Commit a container
conair rm # Remove a container
conair rmi # Remove an image
conair pull # Pull an image
conair bootstrap # Creates an arch rootfs with pacstrap.
conair help # Show a list of commands or help for one command
conair version # Print the version and exit
- Testing different docker versions inside of containers
- Having a nice workflow to create new nspawn containers
- A proper systemd integration between host and containers
- No need to use supervisord if you need to run multiple services within the same container
- All CoreOS components in a single container but change them independently and test quickly
- Systemd
- Fleet
- Etcd
- Docker