BlockChain-Security-List About cryptocurrency security. (reverse, exploit, fuzz..)
mythril - Security analysis tool for Ethereum smart contracts
manticore - Symbolic execution tool
Slither - Slither combines a set of proprietary static analyses on Solidity
Porosity - Decompiler and Security Analysis tool for Blockchain-based Ethereum Smart-Contracts
Echidna - Ethereum fuzz testing framework
Oyente - An Analysis Tool for Smart Contracts
MAIAN - Automatic tool for finding trace vulnerabilities in Ethereum smart contracts.
Ethersplay - A graphical EVM disassembler with advanced features. (Binja)
IDA-EVM - IDA Processor Module for the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Evmdis - EVM disassembler.
Securify - Formal Verification of Ethereum Smart Contracts.
Rattle - Rattle is an EVM static analyzer that analyzes the EVM bytecode directly for vulnerabilities.
Diligence - Security Services, Tools and Best Practices for the Ethereum Ecosystem.
fuildai - Fluid is an AI that can automatically find and fix fatal security vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts.
Security Archives - Ethereum Blog
blackhat - Blackhat Ethereum.
solidified - Parity hack.
arvanaghi 1 - Reversing ethereum smart contracts.
arvanaghi 2 - Reversing ethereum smart contracts 2.
ret2 - Practical ETH decompilation.
loom-network - 6 vulnerabilities and how to avoid them part 1.
ETH assembly - Lets talk assembly.
radare2 - Reversing EVM bytecode with radare2.
Etherum security tools - Trailofbits Ethereum security tools.
Hackernoon - Analyzing Ethereum smart contracts for vulnerabilities.
nccgroup - Discovering Smart Contract Vulnerabilities with GOATCasino.
Arseny Reutov - Predicting Random Numbers in Ethereum Smart Contracts.
funfair - Randomness is a big deal.
Ethernaut - The ethernaut is a Web3/Solidity based wargame.
GOATCasino - GOATCasino is a Truffle project which deploys a set of intentionally vulnerable smart contracts.
Coindesk //search keyword,like 'hack'、'attack'...
Examples of Solidity security issues
Solidity Security Considerations
dasp - Decentralized Application Security Project (or DASP) Top 10 of 2018.
Not so smart conracts - Examples of Solidity security issues.
EVM opcodes - Ethereum opcodes and instruction reference.
Stackexchange ethereum security
Stackexchange bitcoin security
Quantum attacks on Bitcoin, and how to protect against them
Eclipse Attacks on Bitcoin’s Peer-to-Peer Network
Smarter - Making Smart Contracts Smarter.
Yellow Paper - Ethereum: a secure decentralised generalised transaction ledger.
New allowAnyone Bug Identified in Multiple ERC20 Smart Contracts
Analyzing and Reproducing the EOS Out-of-Bound Write Vulnerability in nodeos
Audit report of iohk’s etc wallet
Audit report of the waves platform
EOS bp nodes security checklist
awesome ethereum virtual machine
I'M , Thanks to all blockchain security researchers