A single function to build a table based on a JSON object
document.write( eTab({ header:["a", "b", "c"], rows:{ row1:["1", "2", "3"], row2:["q", "w", "e"] } }) );
function eTab(
- JSON Data Table - Required
- Table ID - Optional
- Table Class - Optional
- Header Class - Optional
- Individual Cell Class - Optional
{ header:[Individual Column Headers], rows:{ // Rows object row1:["1", "2", "3"], // Individual rows, the row names can row2:["q", "w", "e"] // be anything as long as they unique } }
This code is provided without warranty. While I strive to maintain backwards compatibility with previous versions, the code is still under active development. As this is the case, some revisions may break compatibility with earlier versions of the library. Please keep this in mind when using eTable.
Copyright (c) 2012 Ervin Kosch, released under the GPL 3 license