Aim Bot - Automatically aim at enemy
Aim Key - Only automatically aim if you hold down the assigned key
Aim Fov - Only aim at targets within a specified fov
Priority - Who to aim at (Closest to your crosshair, most health, least distance, etc.)
Target Lock - Don't change target when already locked on to one
Aim Position - Select prefered body part
Aim Method - Choose aimbot's method (silent, silent+, smooth, assistance)
Smooth Aimbot Value - Preferred smooth aimbot value for improved legit gameplay.
Smooth Aimbot Type - Smooth aimbot acceleration method (Slow End, Constant, Fast End, Default)
Target Switch Delay - Delay before looking for a new target
First Shot Delay - Delay before shooting the first shot
Auto Shoot - Automatically shoot when active
Projectile Aimbot - Aim with projectile weapons with time and gravity prediction
Legit Projectile Aimbot - Draws predicted target position
Melee Aimbot - Automatically attack enemies with your melee weapon
Medigun Aimbot - Automatically aim with the medigun to heal your teammates
Medigun Uber - Automatically pop uber in dangerous situations
Spread: Max distance - Ignore any target outside set distance with spread weapons
Aim When Reloading - Aim while reloading
Minigun Spinup - Continues spinning minigun if aim key is being held
Crit Hack - Decide when you want your weapon to fire critical hit
Crit key - Force crit when you hold the key
Melee Crits - Almost always melee crit
Aim Sentry - Aim at sentries
Aim Other Buildings - Aim at dispensers and teleporters
Aim Stickies - Aim at stickies to destroy them
Aim Sentry Buster - Aim at sentry buster in MvM
Aim NPC - Aim at NPCs like merasmus, horsemann etc..
Ignore steam Friends - Ignore steam friends
Ignore Deadringer - Ignore deadringered spies
Ignore Cloaked - Ignore cloaked spies
Ignore Disguised - Ignore disguised spies
Ignore Taunting - Ignore taunting players
Ignore Vacc Ubercharge - Ignore players with vaccinator ubercharge
Ignore Teammates - Do not use weapons with friendly effect on teammates (crossbow etc.)
Prefer Medics - Rather shoot at medics than at other classes
Sniper: Zoomed Only - Only shoot when you are scoping
Sniper: Auto Zoom - Automatically zoom before shooting
Wait For Charge - Wait for enough charge to one hit kill (Also for ambassador spy)
BackTrack - Aim at past target position
Double Tap - Rapid fire with wide range of supported weapons
No Spread - Disable weapon inaccuracy
No Recoil - Disable weapon knockback
Trigger Key - Only trigger if you hold down the assigned key
Auto Backstab - Automatically backstab enemies when possible
Disguise After Attack - Automatically disguise after attack
Ignore Razorback - Do not backstab sniper with the razorback
Auto Detonate Sticky - Automatically detonate stickies as demoman
Auto Detonator - Automatically detonate flare as pyro
Auto Airblast - Automatically reflect/destroy projectiles as pyro and engineer
Auto Vaccinator - Auto pick ubercharge resist type
Auto Ubercharge - Automatically trigged ubercharge when needed
Health Percentage - Activate Ubercharge when HP gets below this percentage
'Activate Uber' Voice Trigger - Activate Ubercharge if told via 'Activate Uber' voicecommand
Trigger Shoot - Automatically shoot when an enemy passes under your crosshair
Trigger Shoot key - Only trigger shoot if you hold down the assigned key
Trigger Melee - Automatically attack with melee when enemy is hitable
Trigger Position - Only shoot when bodypart passes under your crosshair
Trigger Shoot Delay - The amount of ms to wait before shooting
Sniper: Shoot Thru Teammates - Shoot through teammates or not
BackTrack - Shoot at past target position
Players - Show players through walls
Enemy Only - Only show enemy players through walls
Centered - Show text information centered
Friends - Mark steam friends and lobby members with different color
Name - Display player name
Steam - Display steam ID
Health - Display health in bar, value or percent
Weapon - Display current weapon
Ubercharge - Display ubercharge percent
Distance - Display distance between you and the enemy
Class - Display class
Box - Display a box around the player in 3D, outlined or solid
Skeleton - Display player model skeleton
Glow - Display glow in team or health color
Glow Style - Glow effect outline style (Blur, classic)
Glow Mode - Glow effect mode (Outline, solid, outline-solid)
Glow Size - Glow effect outline size
View Angles - Draw view angles on snipers or all players
Spy: Anti-Disguise - Reveal the Spy behind disguise
Hide Cloaked - Do not draw ESP on invisible spies
Buildings - Display buildings through walls
Buildings Name - Display building name
Enemy Only - Display only enemy buildings
Health - Display building health in bar, value or percent
Box - Display a box around the building in 3D, outlined or solid
Glow - Display glow in team or health color
Aimbot Fov Range - Always draw the set aimbot fov
Aimbot Target Highlight - Highlight target the aimbot wants to shoot at
Crit Indicator - Display number of crits available via Crit Hack
BackTrack Indicator - Draw backtrack history as player chams or points
Text Color - Display text in white or team color
Far ESP - Draw ESP on distant enemies
Ammo/Medkit - Display Ammo/Medkits
MvM Money - Display MvM money
Halloween Items - Display halloween items
Power Ups - Display power ups
NPC - Display Non-Player characters
Projectiles - Display projectiles
Capture Flag - Display capture flag