Item which represents accessibility compliance effort.
Item which is introducing a breaking change
Item that is related to a cross-team effort
Additions, Improvements or fixes in a demo item from public sites
Item for a technical discussion, questions, input needed.
New article or update of an existing one in our documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Big initiative, demanding collaboration across teams and a substantial time commitment.
Item which is completed (Public Portal Integration)
Item which is in development (Public Portal Integration)
Item which is planned for delivery (Public Portal Integration)
Extra attention is needed
Item which is related to infrastructure changes
Additions, Improvements or fixes in a KB item from our docs
New component for the suite
New feature of an existing functionality or an improvement of an existing functionality.
Item which includes a technical research, specification and a working POC code base
Initiative which is for consideration
Item which represents QA initiative
Further information is requested
Regression found, broken functionality which was working previously
Item which is related to security initiative or compliance
This will not be worked on