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T3000 Webview

This repository stores the webview components used in the T3000 software. There are two primary components:

  • Modbus Register Tool: This tool enables users to add, edit, and manage Modbus register lists for Modbus devices. Additionally, it includes a Rust-based API for managing Modbus register data interaction with the SQLite database. The tool can also synchronize the local SQLite database data with the T3 User Library API, if the user enables data syncing in their settings.

  • T3000 HVAC Drawer: This web-based tool allows users to create and visualize HVAC system drawings for buildings.

Modbus Register Tool

Available at localhost:3003/#/modbus-register

Screenshot of Modbus Register Tool


The Modbus Register Tool is a user-friendly interface designed to manage, edit, and synchronize Modbus register lists for various Modbus devices. It allows interaction with a local SQLite database and provides options for syncing data with the T3 User Library API. This tool is enhanced with a Rust-based API that facilitates seamless Modbus register data management.

Key Features

  • Add New Modbus Registers: Users can add new Modbus registers to the register list, specifying details such as register address, operation, length, data format, and description.
  • Edit Existing Registers: Edit existing entries in the Modbus register table to update the configuration of Modbus devices.
  • Data Syncing: The tool supports two modes:
    • Offline Mode: Operate independently without syncing with the public Modbus registry.
    • Sync Mode: Synchronize data with the public Modbus registry, allowing users to push updates (except private rows) or pull data from the public library.
  • Rust-Based API: The Rust-based API manages Modbus register interactions with the SQLite database to ensure high performance and security.
  • SQLite Database: The tool stores the register information locally in an SQLite database for fast retrieval and offline usage.

Interface Breakdown

1. Register Table View

  • Columns:

    • Register Address: The address of the Modbus register.
    • Operation: Specifies the operation supported by the register, such as read, write, or read-write (e.g., 03 Read Holding Registers (4x), 06 Write Single Register).
    • Register Length: The length of the register, typically represented in bits (e.g., 1, 36).
    • Register Name: The name associated with the register (e.g., MODBUS_SCHEDULE_FLAG8, MODBUS_PRODUCT_MODEL).
    • Data Format: Indicates the format of the register data (e.g., 16 Bit Unsigned Integer, 32 Bit Unsigned Integer).
    • Description: A brief description of the register and its purpose.
    • Device Name: The device associated with the register.
  • Actions:

    • Add New Row: Allows users to insert a new row into the table by specifying the necessary details for a new Modbus register.
    • Edit Operation: Allows changing the operation of a register (e.g., switching between reading, writing, or both).
    • Delete Row: Removes a register from the list.

2. Data Sync Settings

The tool provides a settings dialog where users can choose between Offline Mode and Sync Mode:

  • Offline Mode: The tool only interacts with the local SQLite database without syncing data.
  • Sync Mode: In this mode, the tool can:
    • Push Changes: Send updates to the public Modbus registry (excluding private rows).
    • Pull Data: Retrieve data from the public Modbus registry to update the local database.

3. Supported Data Formats

The tool allows the selection of various data formats, including but not limited to:

  • 8 Bit Unsigned Integer
  • 8 Bit Signed Integer
  • 16 Bit Unsigned Integer
  • 16 Bit Signed Integer
  • 32 Bit Unsigned Integer
  • 16 Bit Unsigned Integer/10 (Scaled values)
  • 16 Bit Unsigned Integer/100 (Scaled values)

4. Device List Integration

The tool is capable of handling multiple devices, and each register can be linked to a specific device by selecting the device from a dropdown menu.

Data Management and Security

  • SQLite Database: The local database ensures fast data access and secure storage of Modbus registers, even in offline environments.
  • Public Registry Sync: The tool integrates with the public Modbus registry through the T3 User Library API, allowing users to synchronize their data with the cloud-based registry, providing broader access and sharing options.
  • Private Data: Users can mark certain registers as private, preventing them from being pushed to the public registry during synchronization.

API Integration

The tool uses a Rust-based API for Modbus register data interaction, providing:

  • Fast performance: Handling a large number of registers efficiently.
  • Low-level control: Directly managing Modbus register addresses and operations with high precision.
  • Reliability and Security: Ensures data integrity and prevents unauthorized access.
  • C++ Compatibility: We used Rust instead of JavaScript because the API needs to be called from C++ code in the T3000 software, ensuring smooth and efficient communication.

Getting Started

  1. Add a New Modbus Register:

    • Click on "Add New Row" to open the form for a new register entry.
    • Fill in the details such as Register Address, Operation, Register Length, Register Name, Data Format, and Description.
    • Save the new register, which will then appear in the main table.
  2. Editing an Existing Register:

    • Locate the register you want to edit in the table.
    • Click on the desired field to make modifications.
    • Save the changes to update the register.
  3. Data Synchronization:

    • Open the Settings menu and choose between Offline Mode and Sync Mode.
    • If Sync Mode is enabled, decide whether to push changes to the public registry or pull updates from it.


# Sample Register Entry

| Register Address | Operation                    | Register Length | Register Name         | Data Format             | Description     | Device Name |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------- | --------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------- | --------------- | ----------- |
| 33453            | 03_16 Read Holding and Write | 36              | MODBUS_SCHEDULE_FLAG8 | 16 Bit Unsigned Integer | Schedule Flag 8 | T3BB        |

This example illustrates how a typical Modbus register entry is structured. Users can interact with each column to configure or manage the register details as needed.

HVAC Drawer

Available at localhost:3003/#

Screenshot of HVAC Drawer


This project is a web-based HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) drawer, developed using the Quasar framework. It is designed to provide a dynamic and user-friendly interface for creating and manipulating HVAC system diagrams.

Key Features

Vue3 Moveable and Vue3 Selecto Integration: These libraries handle the movement, resizing, and selection of objects, which are primarily SVGs representing HVAC components like ducts, pipes, and more.

T3000 Software Integration: The HVAC Drawer communicates directly with the T3000 software, written in C++, through WebView and JavaScript WebView messages. This enables real-time data exchange between the drawer interface and the underlying control systems.

SVG-Based Object Handling: The components are drawn and manipulated as SVG elements, ensuring high scalability and flexibility in representing HVAC systems.

Modern Vue3 Design: Built with Vue3 for reactivity and modern JavaScript features, ensuring a seamless user experience.


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: Quasar Framework (Vue.js-based)
  • Languages: TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Backend API: Rust
  • Testing: Vitest (frontend), Rust's built-in testing framework
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions

Getting Started

  1. Fork the Repository

    • Clone your fork locally:
      git clone
  2. Install Frontend Dependencies

    • Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies:
      npm install
  3. Available NPM Scripts

    The project includes several NPM scripts defined in the package.json file to streamline development tasks:

    • Linting

      npm run lint
      • Runs ESLint to analyze your code for potential errors and code style issues.
    • Formatting

      npm run format
      • Formats code using Prettier according to the project's style guidelines.
    • Building for Production

      npm run build
      • Builds the app for production using Quasar.
    • Running the Frontend

      npm run client-dev
      • Starts the Quasar development server for the frontend.
    • Running the Rust API

      npm run api-dev
      • Uses cargo watch to monitor and rebuild the Rust API on changes. It runs the run_server example.
    • Running Both Frontend and API Concurrently

      npm run dev
      • Runs both the frontend and the Rust API simultaneously for development purposes.
    • Testing

      • General Test Command
        npm run test
        • Displays information about available tests.
      • Unit Tests with UI
        npm run test:unit:ui
        • Runs unit tests using Vitest with a graphical user interface.
      • Unit Tests
        npm run test:unit
        • Runs unit tests using Vitest in the console.
      • Unit Tests for CI
        npm run test:unit:ci
        • Runs unit tests optimized for Continuous Integration environments.
  4. Running the Project

    To run both the frontend and the Rust API simultaneously:

    npm run dev
    • This command uses concurrently to run both api-dev and client-dev.
    • Access the app at http://localhost:3000.
  5. Contributing to the Frontend (Quasar Framework)

    • Quasar Documentation:
    • Make changes in the src folder, following Vue and Quasar's component structure.
    • Linting and Formatting
      • Before committing, ensure your code adheres to the project's linting and formatting rules:
        npm run lint
        npm run format
    • Testing
      • Run frontend unit tests to ensure your changes don't break existing functionality:
        npm run test:unit
  6. Contributing to the Rust-based API

    • Detailed instructions are available in the api folder's README.

    • Rust Installation

      • Ensure you have Rust installed via rustup.
    • Note: The API is compiled into a DLL and included in the T3000 software, which is C++-based.

  7. Testing

    • Frontend Tests
      • Run all unit tests:
        npm run test:unit
      • Run tests with a UI:
        npm run test:unit:ui
    • API Tests
      • Run tests for the Rust API:
        cargo test
  8. Building for Production

    • Build the frontend application for production deployment:
      npm run build
  9. Code Quality

    • Linting
      • Check your code for linting errors:
        npm run lint
    • Formatting
      • Format your code to match the project's style:
        npm run format
  10. Submitting a Pull Request

    • Commit Guidelines
      • Write clear and descriptive commit messages.
      • Ensure all tests pass before committing.
    • Push Changes
      git push origin feature/your-feature
    • Open a Pull Request
      • Navigate to the main repository and open a Pull Request from your fork.
      • Provide a clear description of the changes and any relevant issues.

T3000 HVAC Drawer C++ Integration - Developer Notes

This repository serves as a sub-module within the T3000 Building Automation System repository. The integration allows T3000 software’s C++ code to interact with the HVAC drawer to render animated drawings using data from T3000 devices. The software also controls the state of these drawings, such as animating a fan object when the fan is turned on.

Communication Between JavaScript and C++

To facilitate communication between JavaScript and C++, the JavaScript side sends messages through, and the C++ side processes these messages and sends a response back using PostWebMessageAsJson.

Sending Data from JavaScript to C++

When the JavaScript side needs to update an entry (such as a panel input's state), it sends a message using the postMessage method. Here's an example of how JavaScript sends an UPDATE_ENTRY message to the C++ side:{
  action: 3, // Corresponds to WEBVIEW_MESSAGE_TYPE::UPDATE_ENTRY
  field: key, // The field to be updated (e.g., control, value, auto_manual)
  value: fieldVal, // The value to update the field with
  panelId: pid, // ID of the panel
  entryIndex: index, // Index of the entry in the panel
  entryType: t3Entry.type, // The type of entry (e.g., INPUT, VARIABLE)

In this example:

  • action: 3 corresponds to the WEBVIEW_MESSAGE_TYPE::UPDATE_ENTRY message type.
  • The field is the name of the attribute being updated (such as "control" or "value").
  • value is the new value for the field.
  • panelId, entryIndex, and entryType identify the specific panel and entry being updated.

Example: Processing UPDATE_ENTRY on the C++ Side

When the C++ side receives the UPDATE_ENTRY message, it processes the data and performs the necessary updates, as shown in the following code:

    // Process JSON input data for the entry update
    int panel_id = json.get("panelId", Json::nullValue).asInt();
    int entry_index = json.get("entryIndex", Json::nullValue).asInt();
    const std::string field = json.get("field", Json::nullValue).asString();
    int value = json.get("value", Json::nullValue).asInt();

    // Perform update based on entry type and field
    if (field == "control")
    { = value;
    else if (field == "value")
    { = value * 1000;

    // Send response back to JavaScript with the update status
    Json::Value response;
    response["action"] = "UPDATE_ENTRY_RES";
    response["status"] = true;
    CString output(Json::writeString(builder, response).c_str());

In this example:

  • The C++ side receives the panelId, entryIndex, field, and value from the JSON message sent by the JavaScript side.
  • The relevant data (such as control or value) is updated based on the message.
  • A response is sent back to JavaScript to indicate whether the operation was successful.

For more details on how to establish communication between native C++ code and JavaScript, refer to the Interop of native-side and web-side code.