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Easily load fixtures into Rethinkdb. Useful for testing.


const options = {
    db: 'test',
    clear: true // This will make sure tables are cleared before inserting.
const rdbFix = require('rethinkdb-fixtures')(options);
const Insert = rdbFix.Insert;

const fixture = {
        items: [
                name: 'Bike'
                name: 'Wrench'
        people: [
                name: 'Wild Man Fischer'
                name: 'Charles Ponzi'

Insert(fixture).then( (createdObjects) => {

    console.log(createdObjects.items, createdObjects.people);
}, console.error);


const Delete = rdbFix.Delete;
Delete(['items', 'people']).then( (result) => {

    console.log(result); // standard rethinkdb change objects

Closing connection

rdbFix.base.close().then( function () {

   console.log(`I've closed the connection`);

To test:

make sure you have an instance of rethinkdb running somewhere

npm test

Command line usage

To insert:

export RETHINKDB=test
export FIXTURE=./fixtures.json
node ./bin/insert.js

To delete tables

export RETHINKDB=test
export TABLES='table1,table2,table3'
node ./bin/delete.js