Run gitbook cli commands using a local copy installed with NPM
Because gitbook-cli
installs gitbook
to the user home directory and we needed to monkey-patch gitbook
from the using project.
Install gitbook locally with npm:
npm install --save-dev gitbook
Install gitbook-cli-local:
npm install --save-dev @tepez/gitbook-cli-local
Start any gitbook command, e.g. serve:
node node_modules/@tepez/gitbook-cli-local/bin/gitbook.js serve
Or, if you need to make modifications, e.g. monkey-patching, gitbook first:
const Parse = require('gitbook/lib/parse');
const origParsePagesList = Parse.parsePagesList;
// Monkey-patch parsePagesList to set the direction of a page based on the language
// of the book, instead of using wooorm/direction to determine its direction from its content
// As is done by gitbook:
// This will fail to recognize a text as Hebrew if the first line is for example
// `# {{ page.title }}`
Parse.parsePagesList = function (book) {
const language = book.getConfig().getValue('language');
return origParsePagesList.apply(this, arguments).then((pages) => {
if (language === 'he') {
return => page.set('dir', 'rtl'));
return pages;