Regarding the Add Terra{CNY, JPY, GBP, INR, CAD, CHF, HKD, AUD, SGD} stablecoins governance proposal. Following changes should be applied to your oracle feeder for voting new denominations.
Upgrade guide
You can safely apply the patch before the proposal passes, the feeder will vote new denominations automatically.
Don't forget to run
npm install
after checking out v1.2.0
Add symbols to price-server/config/default.js
const fiatSymbols = [
module.exports = {
fiatProvider: {
symbols: fiatSymbols,
Add symbols to feeder command line
- --denoms sdr,krw,usd,mnt,eur \
+ --denoms sdr,krw,usd,mnt,eur,cny,jpy,gbp,inr,cad,chf,hkd,aud,sgd \