A list of resources for semicolon-less JavaScript (TypeScript) coding style.
- Install
$ npm install -D eslint
- Append rule
"rules": {
"semi": [2, "never"],
"no-unexpected-multiline": 2
- An Open Letter to JavaScript Leaders Regarding Semicolons
- Semicolons in JavaScript are optional
- JavaScript Semicolon Insertion Everything you need to know
- ECMAScript® 2016 Language Specification - Automatic Semicolon Insertion
- Semicolons in JavaScript: A preference
- No, you don’t need semicolons
- JavaScript Standard Style - Helpful reading
- Going semi-colon-less. OR why I’m considering the NPM Style Guide.
- JavaScript: The Semicolon Debate
- ESLint
- Rules
- Config
- eslint-config-standard
- awesome-standard - List of standard style
- eslint-config-vue
- @most/eslint-config-most
- eslint-config-netflix-dea
- eslint-config-rackt (npm published only)
- eslint-config-standard
- JSHint
List of projects that using semicolonless style and related documents (style guide / pull request / issue).
- acorn
- basic-auth
- backpack
- body-parser
- budo
- choo
- dat
- data-fns
- danger.js (TypeScript)
- deku
- dotenv
- envify
- eslint-plugin-import
- expect
- fela
- fs-extra
- gibon
- glam
- glamor
- history
- hyperscript
- junctions
- karma
- kefir
- Mithril
- minimatch
- most
- moxios
- MQTT.js
- next.js
- node-tap
- node-glob
- npm
- nwb
- NuclearJS
- nyc
- path-to-regexp
- optimize-js
- react-async-component
- react-fix-it
- react-form
- react-media
- react-redux
- react-router
- react-static
- react-virtualized
- recompose
- redux
- redux-effects
- redux-mock-store
- redux-saga
- request
- reselect
- Riot
- sheetify
- shrimpit
- slate
- stylelint
- styled-components
- through2
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Vue.js
- weex
- xtend
- yaml
- yo-yo
- zepto