gamobile is Google Analytics for japanese mobile with rails 3. This gem rewrite ga.php to rails with jpmobile. So, require rails 3 and jpmobile.
Add gamobile to the :development
groups in the Gemfile.
group :development do
gem "gamobile", :git => "git://"
Create controller and helper for google analytics.
$ rails g gamobile:install [class_name] [tracking_code]
$ rails g gamobile:install mobile::analytics XX-77777777-77
create app/controllers/mobile/analytics_controller.rb
create app/helpers/mobile/analytics_helper.rb
Add gamobile routing in the routes.rb.
namespace 'mobile' do
match 'ga' => 'analytics#ga'
Edit gamobile helper and Confirm your tracking code in options.
# app/helpers/mobile/analytics_helper.rb
def ga_url
# TODO Rewrite url adapted to your routes.rb
# Example:
# return mobile_ga_path(options)
return "#"
Add img tag in your views.
# app/views/mobile/foo.html.erb
<img src="<%= ga_url %>" width="1" height="1" />