Wrapper over CommonCrypto with alternative C implementation for Linux.
Alternative C implementations copied from trezor-crypto repository.
UncommonCrypto.swift deploys to macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux. It has been tested on the latest OS releases only however, as the module uses very few platform-provided APIs, there should be very few issues with earlier versions.
UncommonCrypto.swift can be ported to more platforms. If OS has built-in crypto APIs they can be used instead of provided C versions. On Apple plaforms library uses CommonCrypto framework. Secure random generator should be ported too.
Setup instructions:
Swift Package Manager: Add this to the dependency section of your
manifest:.package(url: "https://github.com/tesseract-one/UncommonCrypto.swift.git", from: "0.1.0")
CocoaPods: Put this in your
:pod 'UncommonCrypto', '~> 0.1'
import UncommonCrypto
// Some data
let data = Data()
// Simple call API
let hash1 = SHA1.hash(data: data)
// Streaming api
var sha1 = SHA1()
let hash2 = sha1.finalize()
assert(hash1 == hash2)
import UncommonCrypto
// Some data
let data = Data()
// Simple call API. SHA256 and SHA512 are supported
let hash1 = SHA2.hash(type: .sha256, data: data)
// Streaming api
var sha2 = SHA2(type: .sha256)
let hash2 = sha2.finalize()
assert(hash1 == hash2)
import UncommonCrypto
// Some data
let data = Data()
// Simple call API. Different Keccak and SHA3 variants supported.
let hash1 = SHA3.hash(type: .sha256, data: data)
// Streaming api
var sha3 = SHA3(type: .sha256)
let hash2 = sha3.finalize()
assert(hash1 == hash2)
import UncommonCrypto
// Some data
let data = Data()
// Some key
let key = [UInt8]()
// Simple call API. SHA256 and SHA512 are supported
let sign1 = HMAC.authenticate(type: .sha256, key: key, data: data)
// Streaming api
var hmac = HMAC(type: .sha256, key: key)
let sign2 = hmac.finalize()
assert(sign1 == sign2)
import UncommonCrypto
let salt = [UInt8]()
let password = [UInt8]()
// SHA512 or SHA256 HMAC can be used
let derived = try! PBKDF2.derive(type: .sha512, password: password, salt: salt)
print("Derived: ", derived)
UncommonCrypto.swift can be used, distributed and modified under the Apache 2.0 license.