Tags: testkit/testkit-lite
Toggle testkit-lite-3.1.18-rc4's commit message
Support mocha test case on IoT Linux devices. (#143 )
Toggle testkit-lite-3.1.18-rc3's commit message
Remove set_page_load_timeout method for webdriver test. (#142 )
Upgrade internal-version as 3.1.18-rc3 for release.
Toggle testkit-lite-3.1.18-rc2's commit message
Upgrade 'internal_version' for releasing testkit-lite of 3.1.18-rc2.
Toggle testkit-lite-3.1.18-rc1's commit message
Remove --use-mirrors option to fix the build error of (#139 )
travis-ci with Python 2.7.12 .
Toggle lite-3.1.17-3's commit message
Merge pull request #132 from Shao-Feng/extensionall
Extension for all commodule
Toggle lite-3.1.17-2's commit message
Merge pull request #131 from Shao-Feng/native
add a new set attribute 'extension' for supporting to load extension …
Toggle lite-3.1.17-1's commit message
Merge pull request #130 from Shao-Feng/native
add checking for stable connection with stub
Toggle lite-3.1.17's commit message
Update the version to 3.1.17
Toggle lite-3.1.16's commit message
Toggle lite-3.1.16-2's commit message
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