A tool for manage nginx in Linux/PiluX
git clone https://github.com/teteosnet/tsite.git && chmod +x ./tsite/tsite.sh && sudo ./tsite/tsite.sh copybin
- Site managing:
list list sites available
add [domain name] add a site
add [domain name] localwork add a site, enable and add to hosts file
del [domain name] delete a site
enable [domain name] enable a site
disable [domain name] disable a site
- Server managing:
restart restart services
firewall try allow 80 and 443 ports by firewalls
local-add add site to hosts file with "localhost" ip
local-del del site to hosts file with "localhost" ip
- SSL:
ssl-signself create and config nginx self-sign ssl
ssl-signself-renew renew signed ssl (365 day)
ssl-signself-showcrt show self-sign certificate
ssl-signself-showcsr show self-sign certificate request
ssl-signself-showkey show self-sign certificate private(!) key
ssl-on [domain name] enable SSL for a site (self-sign)
ssl-off [domain name] disable SSL for a site (self-sign)
tsite add example.com # add example.com to your nginx
tsite add example.com localwork # add example.com to your nginx, hosts file and enable
tsite del example.com all # del example.com in your nginx ->WITH /VAR/WWW/ DATA<-
tsite local-add example.com # add example.com to hosts file with ip.
tsite sign-self # create self-sign ssl for your nginx