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Matthieu Coudron edited this page Jan 25, 2020 · 3 revisions


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How to troubleshoot issues

Start mptcpanalyzer with $ mptcpanalyzer and then run checkhealth at the prompt to check python and wireshark versions.

Why packets ids don't match the frame.number from my pcap ?

mptcpanalyzer calls tshark with some rules to filter out packets. You can call clean_pcap to export a pcap whose packets will have the same id as the one displayed in mptcpanalyzer.

How does mptcpanalyzer use tshark ?

You can see the commands called by mptcpanalyzer when using TRACE log level. Tshark is used in 2 ways:

  • For static analysis, to convert a pcap into a TSV file. For instance mptcpanalyzer --regen -d TRACE -l examples/client_2_filtered.pcapng calls:
tshark -E header=y -r /home/teto/mptcpanalyzer/examples/client_2_filtered.pcapng -E 'separator=|' -o 'gui.column.format:"Time","%At","ipsrc","%s","ipdst","%d"' -o tcp.analyze_sequence_numbers:True -o mptcp.analyze_mappings:True -o mptcp.relative_sequence_numbers:True -o mptcp.intersubflows_retransmission:True -o mptcp.analyze_mptcp:True -2 -R 'mptcp or tcp and not icmp' -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.interface_name -e frame.time_epoch -e _ws.col.ipsrc -e _ws.col.ipdst -e ip.src_host -e ip.dst_host -e -e tcp.srcport -e tcp.dstport -e tcp.window_size -e tcp.flags -e tcp.option_kind -e tcp.seq -e tcp.len -e tcp.ack -e tcp.options.timestamp.tsval -e tcp.options.timestamp.tsecr -e mptcp.expected_token -e -e tcp.options.mptcp.sendkey -e tcp.options.mptcp.recvkey -e tcp.options.mptcp.recvtok -e tcp.options.mptcp.datafin.flag -e tcp.options.mptcp.version -e tcp.options.mptcp.subtype -e tcp.options.mptcp.rawdataseqno -e tcp.options.mptcp.rawdataack -e tcp.options.mptcp.subflowseqno -e tcp.options.mptcp.datalvllen -e tcp.options.mptcp.addrid -e mptcp.rawdsn64 -e mptcp.ack -e mptcp.dsn -e mptcp.related_mapping -e mptcp.reinjection_of -e mptcp.reinjected_in
  • For live analysis (WIP)

How to customize plots to look better ?
