RandomX Service provides a simple HTTP API to calculate RandomX proof of work (PoW).
- Fast PoW verification for Node.js based pools
- Web-mining with explicit user consent (see below)
- Access to RandomX for clients who cannot link directly to librandomx
Prerequisites: cmake, make, gcc
git clone --recursive https://github.com/tevador/randomx-service
cd randomx-service
Prerequisites: cmake, Visual Studio
git clone --recursive https://github.com/tevador/randomx-service
cd randomx-service
Usage: ./randomx-service [OPTIONS]
Supported options:
-host <string> Bind to a specific address (default: localhost)
-port <number> Bind to a specific port (default: 39093)
-threads <number> Use a specific number of threads (default: all CPU threads)
-flags <number> Use specific RandomX flags (default: auto)
-origin <string> Allow cross-origin requests from a specific web page
-log Log all HTTP requests to stdout
-help Display this message
The service provides the following API methods:
GET /info
POST /seed
POST /hash
POST /batch
Refer to doc/API.md.
To allow requests from the browser, use the -origin
command line option. For example, to allow the site https://example.com to access the service, this command line option should be used:
./randomx-service -origin https://example.com
Web-mining demo/benchmark page: https://tevador.github.io/
- using the
API, web-miners are able to reach similar performance as native miners - HTTP requests to localhost from HTTPS websites are currently blocked by Safari, but this behavior may change in the future (refer to the linked bugtracker).