The project features native integration with Textocat API in Java. All calls to API are asynchronous. The SDK is built on top of Mashape's Unirest, Google's Guava and Gson.
1.0 (with support of Textocat API 0.3)
- entity recognition (ER)
- full-text search (with support of ER annotations)
- Russian language
To take advantage of the SDK, you must have an authorization key (authToken). Get one for free!
- Java 1.7+
Add the following entries to Maven pom.xml:
<id>Textocat Artifactory</id>
<name>Textocat Artifactory-releases</name>
final EntityRecognition entityRecognition = TextocatFactory.getEntityRecognitionInstance("<YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>");
final FutureCallback<AnnotatedBatch> outputCallback = // a callback for dealing with annotated documents ...
FutureCallback<BatchMetadata> inputCallback = new FutureCallback<BatchMetadata>() {
public void onSuccess(BatchMetadata batchMetadata) {
entityRecognition.retrieve(outputCallback, batchMetadata);
public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {}
entityRecognition.submit(new Batch(documents), inputCallback);
Have a question or a suggestion? Please join our user forum.
Developed in Textocat. If you find any bug or would like to suggest an improvement, feel free to submit pull requests into develop branch.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: