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Bullet Settings

  1. Any GameObject can be a bullet, but the GameObject must have Collider and RigidBody components attached to it.
  2. Bullet prefabs must be present in the Resources/Projectiles folder.
  3. Make sure you add the HitEnemy.cs script as a component to every bullet prefab.
  4. Damage incurred by each bullet upon hitting enemy can be set up in the bulletDamage public variable of HitEnemy.cs.

Enemy Settings

  1. Any GameObject can be an enemy, but the GameObject must have Collider and RigidBody components attached to it.
  2. Make sure you add the HealthManager.cs script as a component to every enemy prefab.
  3. Each enemy initially has health equal to 100. This value can be changed in the health public variable of HealthManager.cs script.

Bullet Hitting Enemy Behaviour

  1. Each bullet prefab by default has a bulletDamage value of 10.
  2. Upon hitting the enemy, the enemy changes color for a brief period and its health decreases.
  3. Since the health default value for an enemy is 100, you need 10 bullets to kill the enemy.
  4. When the health of an enemy becomes 0 (or <0), the enemy disappears.
  5. Every bullet hitting an enemy also disappears.

Here is an example.


Bullet hitting Non-Enemy Behaviour

  1. The bullet simply disappears.

Shooting Settings

  1. Right Mouse Click or Air Tap: Shoot the bullet in the direction of camera gaze pointer.
  2. Left Mouse Click or Air Tap: Reload the magazine of bullets.

Radial Menu Behaviour

  1. The radial menu is activated only when the right palm is facing the player.
  2. The radial menu appears on the left side of the right palm.
  3. The user has an arsenal of 8 types of bullets (each with its own damage and speed characteristics, this needs to be updated).
  4. The user can choose a bullet type by pressing it like a button using his/her left hand.
  5. Upon pressing a button, the user gets audio feedback and the button is highlighted to indicate selection.
  6. Each bullet type has its own shot sound and hit sound (these will be 3D sounds, this needs to be updated).

Here is an example.


Running Spatial Understanding with Minions Scene ('Sid' scene)

  1. Run the scene and wait for the spatial understanding walls to get loaded (walls will stop loading visually speaking).
  2. Make sure you are in the Game Window of Unity before pressing the buttons mentioned below.
  3. Press the 'C' button for creating navmesh objects and attaching them to each of the walls.
  4. Press the 'B' button to bake the navmesh on the walls and the floor.
  5. Press the 'L' button to create navmesh links between the walls and the floor.
  6. You are all set to use the scene now!
  7. Click on any location in the scene using the left mouse button and the hermit and spider will go to that point.
  8. If the point is not reachable, they will go to their nearest reachable points.
  9. The paths followed by the minions is shown in the scene using line renderers.
  10. Remember, the spider can walk on any surface but the hermit can only walk on the floor.
  11. For the spider and the hermit, you can toggle between follow player and don't follow player modes by checking/unchecking the follow player checkbox on the Minion Follow Player Script component of that particular object.
  12. You can also shoot at the minions to kill them. See the radial menu behaviour section above.

Here is an example.


Boss Activation/Deactivation Cycle

  1. Every enemy is in Locomotion state at game start.
  2. To make use of activation/deactivation behaviour, set the isBoss bool on HealthManager component of the respective enemy to true by checking the box.
  3. Then, set the value of the Resurrection Time float on HealthManager component. This is the time in seconds for which the boss is deactivated.
  4. Also set the value of the Recurrected Health Percentage float. For example 50, which means 50%.
  5. While the boss is deactivated, you can prevent certain actions such as navigation and shooting at the player by making use of the Activate bool parameter on the Animator component of the boss. Just check if GetComponent<Animator>.getBool("Activate") is true and only then should you execute these tasks.
  6. The boss will automatically go back to activated state after his Resurrection Time is complete and his health will be restored to MAXHEALTH * (Resurrected Health Percentage) / 100.

Boss Activation/Deactivation GUI

Path Indicator for Kuri

When the Boss is in deactivated state, we want to show a path along which the player can navigate Kuri to kill the boss. Here is the current implementation of this,

  1. You need to drag and drop the Spider_Hvy object (or whatever the boss object is) into the Boss variable of ComputePathToBoss component on Kuri.
  2. The path is calculated and shown only when the Boss is in deactivated state.
  3. A voice over may be added which says, "Navigate Kuri, along the path shown, to kill the boss!" (not yet implemented). A message can also be shown on the screen.
  4. The path is continuously redrawn according to the current position of Kuri.
  5. The path that was drawn disappears once the Boss is reactivated (before Kuri can kill it).

Manual/Auto Spawning of Minions

There are two ways to spawn minions. Either enable auto-spawning or use a manual function call.

Before we discuss both of these, you need to ensure that you have added the MinionSpawner component on the boss object.


  1. In order to auto-spawn enemies, you need to edit the MinionSpawner script by setting the coroutineRunning variable in its Start() function to false. This is not a public variable since this coroutine keeps running, so its status cannot be changed after the game has started.
  2. You can edit the maximum number of enemies the boss will auto-spawn by changing the autoNumberOfMinions public variable of MinionSpawner.
  3. You can also change the time between successive minion spawns by changing the autoSpawnTime public variable of MinionSpawner. This time should be in seconds.
  4. Provided auto-spawning is enabled using point 1, the boss will keep spawning minions until the number of spawned minions that are alive reaches autoNumberOfMinions. If any of these minions dies, the boss will spawn another one ensuring that the previous statement is always true.
  5. The minions are spawned in the forward direction of the camera and behind the boss i.e. an offset is added to the position of the boss in the direction of the camera gaze to determine where the minion should be spawned. This offset value is a public float called forwardOffset on the MinionSpawner.
  6. The spawned minions immediately start following the player.

MinionSpawner GUI

Manual Spawning

  1. You can call the SpawnMinion() function of MinionSpawner to spawn a new minion. This function returns a reference to the newly created minion object.
  2. The minion is spawned at the position mentioned in point 5 under Auto Spawning.
  3. MinionSpawner remembers the way a minion was spawned. So if you kill a minion that was spawned manually, the boss won't spawn a new minion to replace him. That behaviour is only exhibited by the minions spawned automatically.
  4. The spawned minions immediately start following the player.

Determining where the minions can walk

  1. At game start, the minions can only walk on the floor.
  2. NavMeshLinks are nothing but bridges to connect two surfaces. So to enable walking on walls, links are required between the walls and the floor. Similarly, to enable walking on the ceiling, links are required between the walls and the ceiling. Without the links, a minion on the floor cannot jump on a wall and a minion on a wall cannot jump on the ceiling.
  3. At runtime, you can change the walkable surfaces (for minions only) using the enableWallFloorLinks and enableWallCeilingLinks public bools present on the CreateNavMeshesAndNavMeshLinks component of SceneUnderstanding -> Root game object.
  4. Enjoy!

Set Minion-Walkable Surfaces


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