This is a Project to create Proof of Concept for a Voice Assistant. We are using these Tools:
- Wake word: Raven (Sherlock docs)
- Speech to Text: DeepSpeech (Sherlock docs)
- Intent Recognition: Snips-NLU (Sherlock docs)
- Intent Handling: NodeRed (Sherlock docs)
- Text-To-Speech: NanoTTS (Sherlock docs)
- Read the clock
- Set an alarm clock
- Weather forecast
- Light control
- Get latest news
- Get infos about exchange rate
- data → the folder contains configuration files and files needed for the operation of rhasspy
- docs → the folder contains the documentation of the project
- flows → the folder contains the node-red flows
- scripts → the folder contains the installation scripts for the components of the voice assistant
- tools → the folder contains the training tools for DeepSpeech
The documentation is created in form of a GitHub page following the official documentation:
Sherlock docs
You can install Sherlock complete automatically
or manually. Please follow the steps in the relevant section.
To run the documentation locally Jekyll is required. Follow the official installation guide to install Jekyll for the appropriate OS. It is important to install the correct version to prevent potential problems with Github Pages. The officially supported version is listed here.
The following command starts a local server, if Jekyll is installed with bundler:
cd docs
bundle exec jekyll serve
If something doesn't run as expected, check if all services are running. To check the services run the command sherlock-conf -c
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sherlock-conf -c
Check services
Node-RED active (enabled)
Hermes LED Control active (enabled)
Rhasspy active (enabled)
Rhasspy ASR Deepspeech Hermes active (enabled)
Rhasspy Snips NLU Hermes active (enabled)
zigbee2mqtt active (enabled)
Run the command sherlock-conf -r
to restart all services:
...Hermes LED Control
...Rhasspy ASR Deepspeech Hermes
...Rhasspy Snips NLU Hermes
- rhasspy-asr-deepspeech: Sh4der/rhasspy-asr-deepspeech
- rhasspy-asr-deepspeech-hermes: Sh4der/rhasspy-asr-deepspeech-hermes
- node-red-contrib-smalltimer: kevinbischof/node-red-contrib-smalltimer
- MQTTMozillaTTSGerman: Sh4der/MQTTMozillaTTSGerman