- clone converter repo
- build code using
gradle build
command - run jar with
converter-config example:
localRepositoryRoot: ..\schemas -- link to schema repo directory
- pass appropriate arguments:
for running locallymy-schema
name of the directory containing th2 schemav2
version to with to convert
example of local run command:
java "-Dconverter.config=./converter-config.yml" -jar .\build\libs\th2-cr-converter-1.1.2.jar local th2-infra-schema-demo v2
This will generate new schema directory compatible with infra v2.0 and will be later required to run bundle.
Generated schema will be placed at the same level as the original schema, with name ORIGINAL_SCHEMA_NAME-converted
Returns: "Conversion API is working !"
Get files for given schema from gits. Convert to given version and pushes back converted files if the conversion resulted in no errors
Path variables:
schemaName - Name of the schema, same as the branch name.
targetVersion - To what version schema should be converted
Throws exception if conversion to the specified version is not supported, and also if requested schema doesn't exist, or is the same as master.
Important: Changes won’t be committed unless the conversion of every resource is successful, i.e. there are no errors.
class ConversionSummary(
val convertedResourceNames: MutableList<String>,
val errorMessages: MutableList<ErrorMessage>,
var commitRef: String?
response will contain:
names of resources that were converted (if any)
errors encountered during conversion (if any)
commit reference hash (if there were any changes, and push was successful)
Response body example:
"convertedResourceNames": [
"errorMessages": [],
"commitRef": "ad8f4ccf521c1192cc55608c40b9dd390f0d325d"
Get files for given source schema from Git, convert them to given version. If the conversion resulted in no errors: create a new schema and push converted files to the new schema; if k8s-propagation
for sourceSchemaName is not set to deny, set it to deny; Set k8s-propagation
for newSchemaName to rule.
Path variables:
sourceSchemaName - Name of the schema where the files are currently; Same as the branch name
newSchemaName - Name of the schema where the files should be pushed after the successful conversion to new version; Same as branch name
targetVersion - To what version schema should be converted
Throws exception if conversion to the specified version is not supported, and also if requested schema doesn't exist, or is the same as master.
Important: New schema/branch won’t be made, changes won’t be committed and k8s-propagation will be unchanged unless the conversion of every resource is successful, i.e. there are no errors.
response will contain:
names of resources that were converted (if any)
errors encountered during conversion (if any)
commit reference hash (if there were any changes, and push was successful)
Response body example:
"convertedResourceNames": [
"errorMessages": [],
"commitRef": "572d49d9dbd37e8f40c20741ae9da17fb0351f91"
GET/convert/{targetVersion} [contains request body]
Convert resources present in request body to the target version. No interaction with Git.
Path variables:
targetVersion - To what version the provided resources should be converted
Throws exception if conversion to the specified version is not supported
Request body:
Set of RepositoryResource
"apiVersion": "th2.exactpro.com/v1",
"kind": "Th2Box",
"metadata": {
"name": "script"
"spec": {
"image-name": "dev-script",
"image-version": "dev-script",
"type": "th2-script",
"pins": [
"name": "to_act",
"connection-type": "grpc-client",
"service-class": "com.exactpro.th2.act.grpc.ActService"
"name": "to_check1",
"connection-type": "grpc-client",
"service-class": "com.exactpro.th2.check1.grpc.Check1Service"
"extended-settings": {
"externalBox": {
"enabled": true
"service": {
"enabled": false
class ConversionResult(
val summary: ConversionSummary,
val convertedResources: List<Th2Resource>
Response body example:
"summary": {
"convertedResourceNames": [
"errorMessages": []
"convertedResources": [
"apiVersion": "th2.exactpro.com/v2",
"kind": "Th2Box",
"metadata": {
"name": "script"
"spec": {
"imageName": "dev-script",
"imageVersion": "dev-script",
"type": "th2-script",
"extendedSettings": {
"externalBox": {
"enabled": true
"service": {
"enabled": false
"pins": {
"grpc": {
"client": [
"name": "to_act",
"serviceClass": "com.exactpro.th2.act.grpc.ActService"
"name": "to_check1",
"serviceClass": "com.exactpro.th2.check1.grpc.Check1Service"
Note: You can convert JSON format to YAML with this online tool, and make it more readable with linter if necessary.