A simple component for VueJS. Star Rate Component is a component for VueJS for evaluating items through stars with or without punctuation. A customizable component in a simple and intuitive way with a sophisticated and good design.
Download this link.
Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/thalysonalexr/star-rate-component.git
Install the latest version by npm
$ npm install --save star-rate-component@latest
Note: In your App.vue import
<v-star-rate ref="component" />
import StarRate from 'star-rate-component'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
// name of component star rate
'v-star-rate': StarRate
Get a value of component by $refs in data: "note"
export default {
methods: {
show () { console.log(this.$refs.component.note) }
In property size
<v-star-rate ref="component1" size="sm" />
<v-star-rate ref="component2" size="md" />
<v-star-rate ref="component3" size="lg" />
Property | Type | Possible values | Description | Remarks |
color-box |
String | colors in rgb, rgba or hexadecimal | Color for container box in component | No required, default: #fcfcfc |
color-text |
String | colors in rgb, rgba or hexadecimal | Color of pontuation and title | No required |
default-color-star |
String | colors in rgb, rgba or hexadecimal | Color of star deselected | No required, default: #dbdbdb |
borders |
Boolean | true or false |
Border in container of component (box) | No required, default: true |
shine |
Boolean | true or false |
Flashing stars animation | No required, default: false |
display |
String | simple or normal |
Simple container without punctuation and without title. Normal container with punctuation. Container full with punctuation and title | No required, default: full |
title-box |
String | Anywhere value | Title in container box component | No required |
result |
Array | Values type number | An array with number-type values of each star-rate-component component for generating an average in this result container | No required |
size |
String | sm , md or lg |
Component container size | No required, default: md |
labels |
Object | Anywhere value in keys object | Title labels of each star in the assessment | No required, default: {terrible: 'terrible', bad: 'bad', good: 'good', great: 'great', perfect: 'perfect'} |
MIT License © 2018 - 2020 Made with ♥ by Thalyson Rodrigues