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We need more incentive to encourage people to contribute to our open-source, decentralized projects.

This is the Smart-Tip contract. When a user finds the project useful and want to tip the development team, they can send the amount to the Smart-Tip. The smart contract then allocate the amount to all of the contributers basing on each individual's contribution.

The contribution of individuals is measured by number of activity point that they have in the project. The number of activity points are generated by activities that they performed.


No real incentive for open-source contributors.


Smart Tip: when an user tips the open-source project for its usefulness. The tip will be distributed to all contributors basing on their contribution points.

How Smart Tip work

  1. Owner of the open-source project initialize the smart contract for the project.
  2. Contributors create new features and complete the tasks; then earn activity points.
  3. Each time an user find the project useful and they can tip the project. The amount will be sent to the smart contract.
  4. Periodically, the smart contract will distribute all accumulated tip amounts. Contributor A received = (activity point A / total activity point of project) * tip amounts.

The mechanism will ensure: Contributors received the amount in corresponding to their contribution and the success of the project. The activity points of a task will be determined by a DAO counsel periodically.


User stories:

  • As the owner of the project, I could add tasks into the project so other people could contribute.
  • As a contributor, I want to join the smarttip so that I could receive tip -> A project register to the smart contract -> Like create a DAO, each team will generate a project DAO
  • As a contributor, I want to be added to the list of contributors after contributing so that I could receive the tip -> Add contributor after they complete a task
  • As a contributor, I want to increase my score when I complete my contribution so that I could increase my share of tip -> Increase score of the contributor after
  • As a users of the project, I want to tip the contributors so I could thank and motivate them
  • As a conrtibutor, I want to receive tips basing on my contribution
  • Contract to receive tips, allocate the tips to each contributors


The Smart-Tip could be a POC for the full incentive allocation system. Same as reputation based system


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