This is an ECommerce website selling bakery accessories with B2C model. Huimitu is a SPA in which 3-tiers model is applied using PERN stack:
- ReactJS to build up the front-end
- ExpressJS to create RESTful API
- Postgre database to store data
The website statisfies basic features of an ECommerce website including:
- Sign up account
- Login account
- Login account with Google
- View product list with sort, filter and full-text search
- View product detail
- Add product to cart
- Add shipping information
- Checkout cart with Momo, Paypal, Ship COD
- Voucher
- Buy now
- Rating product after buying
Advanced features:
- Admin features
- Upload user avatar
- Statistic using Tableau
- Recommend related product using KNIME (frequent-itemset mining)
- Multi-language (English, Vietnamese)
- Facebook Messenger chatbot
Landing page
Product detail
The project belongs to Huimitu team:
Please do not copy without asking for permission!