Just my VIM config
- VIM version: 8.1
- Colorscheme: Onedark
Table of contents
- NERDTree (+nerdtree-git-plugin)
- vim-airline
- vim-fugitive
- tagbar
- emmet-vim
- editorconfig-vim
I have been using SpaceVim for awhile, I like SpaceVim's key bindings. However it's bloated and quite slow, so I decide to make a custom configuration like this.
key = \
Keys | Description |
TAB | Switch between splits |
sq | Close split in focus |
Keys | Description |
\q | Close current buffer |
\- | Previous buffer(tab) |
\= | Next buffer |
\1 | Switch to buffer number 1 |
\2 | Switch to buffer number 2 |
\3 | Switch to buffer number 3 |
... | ... |
\9 | Switch to buffer number 9 |
Keys | Description |
\ft | Toggle file tree |
\tt | Toggle tagbar |
Keys | Description |
\gb | Blame |
\gc | Commit |
\gd | Diff |
\gs | Status |
\gp | Pull |
\gP | Push |
Default key bindings from emmet-vim
Keys | Description |
CTRL-y , | Expand |
To be implement:
./vimpkg -h
./vimpkg -v
./vimpkg help
./vimpkg help install
./vimpkg help remove
./vimpkg help list
./vimpkg install author/package
./vimpkg install -p base -a start author/package
./vimpkg install -p config -a opt author/package
./vimpkg install -p themes -a opt author/package
./vimpkg remove author/package
./vimpkg menu
./vimpkg list
Current commands:
./vimpkg -i author/plugin_name
to install plugin from github
./vimpkg -r author/plugin_name
to remove plugin
./vimpkg -u
to update plugins
To install vim-gitgutter from https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter , run:
cd .vim
./vimpkg -i airblade/vim-gitgutter