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qEndpoint configuration

Antoine Willerval edited this page Jan 23, 2023 · 2 revisions

qEndpoint can be configured with the repo_model.ttl file, this file is automatically generated by qEndpoint when you start it.

You can find the default repo_model.ttl file here, all the possible options can be found here

In this page, we will see common configs.

Server port

By default, this number is 1234, but you can also specify the port you want to use by the endpoint.

mdlc:main mdlc:serverPort 1234 .

Default timeouts

You can specify the maximum number of seconds a query can use to run, by default 300s is used, 0 = infinity. You can set for the Update queries or for the others via these triples:

mdlc:main mdlc:timeoutQuery 300 .
mdlc:main mdlc:timeoutUpdate 300 .

Custom params

You can use custom variables in your repo_model file, you can define them with

mdlc:main mdlc:parsedStringParam [ mdlc:paramKey "myparam1" ; mdlc:paramValue "my value 1" ] , 
                                 [ mdlc:paramKey "myparam2" ; mdlc:paramValue "my value 2" ] .

Then you can use the qEndpoint datatype mdlc:parsedString to use it, for example

ex:demo ex:pred "this is ${myparam1}"^^mdlc:parsedString
# Is the same as 
ex:demo ex:pred "this is my value 1"

It can be used if you need to put multiple time the same thing.