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TND NetlifyCMS Hugo Module

This module try to simplify the construct of Netlify CMS lone config file. It also sets up the Netlify CMS page wherever on the project with minimal user intervention.

In order to be able to reuse data objects inside the lone NetlifyCMS config.yaml file, this module makes use of Hugo's data file to store said data objects and allow them to be recursively imported in the configuration file.



  • Go 1.14
  • Hugo 0.61.0


If not already, init your project as Hugo Module:

$: hugo mod init {repo_url}

Configure your project's module to import this module:

# config.yaml
  - path:


Adding to your project

  1. Add this module's path to your module.imports config array
    - path:
  1. Create a page where your Netlify CMS dashboard should live.
  2. Add the netlifycms type to it through Front Matter.
  3. Add the netlifycms_config output format to it through Front Matter (alongside HTML):
Title: Your CMS
type: netlifycms
  - HTML
  - netlifycms_config
  1. Add your Netlify config data in data/netlifycms/config.yaml and use (or not) import statements.
  2. Add the data files matching your imports statements to the data/netlifycms dir under /collections and /fields

Import and Extend data sets

NetlifyCMS uses yaml extensively. In order to avoid a lot of copy/paste the module allow to import a data set stored in data/netlifycms/**/*.yaml as part of a yaml array.

It's also possible to extend/overwrite the data found in the file.


From inside a yaml array, you can either use the string import statement, or the map import statement.

- import collection pages or - import: collection pages


By using the map version of the import statement, you can add an extra extend key containing a map with values the add or overwrite:

- import: collection pages
    name: Pages FR
    folder: content/fr

See example below of usage.

Example of the base config data file

# data/netlifycms/config.yaml
  name: git-gateway
  branch: easier-netlify-cms
- import collection events #--> data/netlifycms/collections/pages.yaml
- import collection posts #--> data/netlifycms/collections/posts.yaml
- import: collection posts
    name: updates
    label: News Updates
    folder: content/updates

Above, the Events and Posts collections are stored in the mentioned data file. As we import the data as is, we can use a simple import statement.

For updates, we need almost the same settings and fields as the Post collection, except for a few keys that need to be overwritten. We can use a map with two keys:

  • import: For the statement
  • extend: The data which will be added/merged on top of the data set.

Example of a Collection data file

# data/netlifycms/collections/posts.yaml
name: "events"
label: "Events"
folder: "content/events"
create: true
  - import field title #--> data/netlifycms/fields/title.yaml
  - import field authors #--> data/netlifycms/fields/authors.yaml
  - import field date #--> data/netlifycms/fields/date.yaml
  - import field images #--> data/netlifycms/fields/images.yaml
  - import field body #--> data/netlifycms/fields/body.yaml
  - import: field time #--> data/netlifycms/fields/time.yaml
      name: start_time
      label: Start
  - import: field time
      name: end_time
      label: End
  - {
      label: "Tags",
      name: "tags",
      widget: "list",
          label: "Tag",
          widget: "string",

Above we can see that regular handwritten data and import statements, as well as extending data can perfectly coexist among the same array.

It is convenient to create a "base" field like time.yaml on which to extend special data. This way, the two fields storing a "Start" and an "End" time can use the same base of settings for date and time formating while retaining their own name and label.

Examples of a Field data file

# data/netlifycms/fields/title.yaml
label: "Title"
name: "title"
widget: "string"
# data/netlifycms/fields/time.yaml
label: "Time"
name: "time"
widget: "datetime"
default: ""
dateFormat: "DD.MM.YYYY" # e.g. 24.12.2021
timeFormat: "HH:mm" # e.g. 21:07
format: "LLL"
pickerUtc: false


Module settings are set as part of the shared data/netlifycms/config.yaml file under the reserved tnd_netlifycms map key.

Available settings are:

  • cms_version (default: ^2.0.0): Semantic versioning string to be used when calling CDN endpoint.


The module facilitates the addition of extra Netlify CMS scripts for WidgetPreviews, CollectionPreviews etc...

By default the module prints the content of any assets/netlifycms.js file found inside a <script> tag.

For more control, user should create its own layouts/partials/tnd-netlifycms/scripts.html partial and load the project's custom scripts there.

Custom Scripts Partial example:

In this example, we use the load the project's stylesheet for the Articles previews and fire the Custom Preview afterwards, using the project's own classes.

{{ $style := false }}
{{ with resources.Get "css/style.css" }}
  {{ $style = . | resources.PostCSS }} 
{{ end }}
  {{ with $style }}
  CMS.registerPreviewStyle("{{ $style.Permalink }}");
  {{ end }}
  var PostPreview = createClass({
    render: function() {
      var entry = this.props.entry;
      return h('div', {"className": "px-4"},
        h('h1', {"className": "text-5xl font-normal pt-10 mb-16"}, entry.getIn(['data', 'title'])),
        h('div', {"className": "my-4 user-content"}, this.props.widgetFor('body'))
  CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("articles", PostPreview);


This project is maintained and loved by thenewDynamic.


A Hugo Module for everything Netlify CMS







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