A symphony of new Mac setup (pronounced: no-mah-DAY-uhs)
- Buy new Mac, run setup wizard
- In Terminal:
curl -L 'tinyurl.com/nomadeus' | sh
cd ~/Code/recentProject && bin/setup/
See my blog for more detailed history and motivation.
Mac users have it easy. We have great tools for getting all our apps, utilities, and settings:
- Homebrew for everything you can
- Tar/zip/dmg for anything else you can find.
Curl ... | bash
and MacApps help, but then you also need...
- App Store for as few things as possible.
- Custom installs like
xcode-select --install
- Any custom Terminal settings, aliases, etc.
- This is all non-billable, non-capitalizable time.
Nomadeus strives to make you feel at home anywhere, by setting up your dev environment with as few keystrokes as possible. The name combines "nomad" and "Amadeus" (as in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart). You can change laptops weekly, and Nomadeus makes it beautiful.
We are in sub-alpha testing right now. Watch this repo as "Release Only" for updates.