This document describes how to prepare the HoloToolkit sourcecode for use in your project.
To get started either download the HoloToolkit-Unity Asset Package or grab a copy of this repository and download the entire project.
You can download the latest unity package from Releases folder
If you'd like to build the HoloToolkit from the source, you'll need to clone the GitHub repository at If you've never cloned a repo before then you should consider using the GitHub desktop client, see
Open the folder you just cloned in Unity.
Now, inside of Unity ensure you have the Assets folder selected in the project view, and export the package. IMPORTANT: Make sure you select the root Assets folder in the Project. It contains important .rsp files like csc, gmcs and smcs.
Assets -> Export Package…
Open or create your project in Unity.
Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package…
[Navigate to the package
you have either downloaded or exported above]. NOTE: The HoloToolkit-Examples folder (and all its content and subfolders) is optional when you import the custom package. You can uncheck it in the Import Unity Package window that shows all the contents of the package before performing the import.
You should now have a HoloToolkit
menu item.
HoloToolkit -> Configure -> Apply HoloLens Scene Settings
Create a new Scene: File -> New Scene
Remove the default Main Camera
and Directional Light
objects in the scene.
Add the HoloLensCamera.prefab
(found under HoloToolkit/Input/Prefabs).
Add the DefaultCursor.prefab
(found under HoloToolkit/Input/Prefabs/Cursor).
Create an empty object in your scene and make sure its transform is zeroed on the origin. Rename it 'Managers'.
Add the InputManager.prefab
(found under HoloToolkit/Input/Prefabs) as a child to your new 'Managers' Object.
Add an Event System
to your scene by right click on 'Managers' object in your scene Hierarchy: UI -> Event System
Optionally, if you wish to enable spatial mapping in your scene, you can add the SpatialMapping.prefab
(found under HoloToolkit/SpatialMapping/Prefabs) to your 'Managers' object. Be aware that you must also enable Spatial Perception
Capabilities: Edit/Project Settings/Player -> Inspector -> Publishing Settings/Capabilities
HoloToolkit -> Build Window -> Build Visual Studio SLN
Open SLN
Deploy to the emulator or device.
- Select x86 in your build configuration
- Select emulator or the device that you're using
- Run the app