A modular neovim config with a focus on C/C++ and Rust. Python and Lua are supported out of the box. Used professionally every day for the last 3 years in the embedded development field.
- Get Node/Npm via fnm:
curl -fsSL https://fnm.vercel.app/install | bash
fnm install --latest
- Pacman
sudo pacman -S base-devel cmake python-pip luarocks wl-clipboard xlclip python-virtualenv clang python-pynvim rustup
- Paru
paru -S cmake-format cmake-language-server
- Steps 1 and 2 together
paru -S cmake-format cmake-language-server base-devel cmake python-pip luarocks wl-clipboard xlclip python-virtualenv clang python-pynvim rustup cmake-format cmake-language-server
- Npm
npm install -g neovim tree-sitter-cli
- Rustup
rustup component add rust-analyzer
There isn't much to install, just copy the nvim
directory to ~/.config/nvim
But for the sake of commands..
# clone the repo to home
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/thebashpotato/neovim.config.git ~/
# make a soft link to the config
ln -s $(pwd)/neovim.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim
# open nvim and let it set up
See the Dap configs for per-project language configurations.
and update the dap.configurations. to match your binary.
PRs accepted.
Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
AGPLv3 © 2022 Matt Williams