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cissa-summerhack (Bridge)

Link to our website/app here :)

Table of Contents

  1. Project Description
  2. Installation and Usage
  3. Demonstration
  4. Technical Overview
  5. Challenges
  6. Future Roadmaps

1. Description

Have you experienced that late night panic when you have a semesters worth of lectures to watch before an exam? Ever wanted to take a quick review of particular lesson but don't have the time to watch through it all? Have no fear, because Bridge is here. Bridge is a tool designed to enhance study efficiency by generating summaries and quizzes for a variety of different study materials. Our AI will intelligently generate state-of-the-art summaries that take into account contextual information, so you can extract all relevant information in the shortest possible summary. In addition, flashcards are also be generated based on each summary, providing you with a quick and easy way to quiz yourself and learn the study material, effectively reducing the time needed to painstakingly create your own flashcards.

Our website is tailor made to be able to run on all devices, whether it is your laptop, computer, tablet or phone^ so you can study effectively whether you are sitting down or on the move. We also support text, websites, youtube videos or custom videos uploads, ensuring compatibility with your choice of study materials. ^(some features may not be available on smaller devices, for optimal experience we recommend using laptops/computers)

Bridge further acts as a central place to organize your study notes. By registering on our website with a username, you can permanently save all of your past submissions and access them at any time. You will be able to see all the flashcards were previously automatically generated as well as the accompanying summaries. The flashcard feature on our website also allows you to customise your own set following generation, thus causing it to be a excellent springboard upon which you can build your ideal card deck.

2. Installation and Usage

No installation is needed. Simply navigate to this link and start using our website immediately! Browser with Javascript support is required.

Alternatively, running from source in a local environment is possible by cloning the github repository, although not recommended (as a deployed website is available). More instructions will be offered below

How to use the website

To start using the website, simply click "Begin" on the homepage, which will prompt you to the upload page. The upload page could also be accessed via the navigation bar under "Upload". If you wish to login or register an account with us, simply click the "Login" button in the navigation bar.

In the upload page, choose the format of the materials you wish to submit. We accept "Pure Text" (a paragraph or block of text), links (YouTube videos and text-based websites links are supported) or custom video uploads. Once you submit, you can choose to see your submissions by clicking "My Contents" or stay on the same page and submit something else. You are able to submit multiple things at once without waiting for one to necessarily complete before submitting another.

My contents (which is accessible under the navigation bar too, under "my contents" button) acts as a central place to view all your current submissions (and past submissions if you are logged in). By default, only submissions that have been processed are shown, but you could click on the switch in the top right-hand corner to view any submissions that are still being processed by our servers. Once a submission is finished, you can click on the green box and it will take you to the contents of your submissions. Any submissions that did not succeed will result in a red error box.

The default view offers a quick glance at the summary, generated flashcards and along with your original submission. If you wish to view each element in more detail, we recommend switching to "detailed view" by clicking the toggle button on the top right hand corner.

Within the detailed view, you can access different options by clicking on the menu icon in the top left hand corner. From there you will be able to navigate to the summary, flash card and original submission pages, which display the content on a larger screen space. Within flash cards you also have the capability to edit the automatically generated set by clicking on "Edit". From there, you are able to edit individual flashcards as well as add/delete any existing cards.

Running the service locally



  • node
  • npm

Navigate to src/front-end, run npm install to install all required dependencies, then run npm start to start a local server.

Note: If you wish to run the back-end server locally as well, please ensure to change all URLs in axios requests within the source code to the appropriate backend URL.



  • Python 3 (3.6+)
  • Flask
  • PyMongo
  • AllenNLP & AllenNLP_Models
  • BERT Extractive Summary
  • Flask CORS
  • BeautifulSoup
  • PyTube
  • Google Cloud SDK (Storage and Speech)
  • NLTK

Configuration files:

  • (root folder). This file should contain MONGO_USERNAME and MONGO_PASSWORD for your mongodb database.
  • credentials.json (root folder). This is your google API credentials file.

Additional requirements:

  • MongoDB database. Database should be named 'summerhack' and have 'users' collection. Change MongoDB URI in with your mongo URI.
  • Google Speech to Text API. A credentials.json with access to Speech to Text API is required.

Run 'flask run' or 'python' to start the server locally

3. Demonstration

Here is a video promo of our website, including a quick demonstration


4. Technical Overview

Our front-end component is built using ReactJS and MaterialUI, with axios for HTTP requests handling. We also utilized react-flash-cards to display our generated flashcards.

To achieve true SPA (single page application), we opted not to use react router, but instead structure our screens/pages into components, and used Contexts to expose sub-components with the ability to navigate between pages. We also utilized Contexts to store a variety of other information such as users, tasks and more.

To achieve near-realtime update with each user submission, we used a timer that queries the backend for the status of each "task" (submission) and updates accordingly. This results in almost instantaneous updates on each task without manual user intervention, thus improving user experience.

Our back-end component is built using Flask, and we opted to use MongoDB as our database, due to its ease of storing dynamic user data as opposed to a standard SQL database.

Due to the (relatively) large processing times required for certain files, primarily video files, we designed a form of Asynchronous Task Queue much like Celery. Though without the need to use brokers such as Redis or RabbitMQ due to the resource heavy nature of some of our computation. Instead, every submission will be executed on a different thread, assigning an ID to each "task", which ensures each API request is not blocked by the computation of each submission. Taking advantage of shared memory of threads we can access each task from anywhere in order to retrieve its status, update its status or return its contents.

Our USP (unique selling point) is of course using AI to process textual data, summarizing them and generating questions based on the summary. We have elected to use two different AIs to perform text summary:

  • BERT: BERT, or Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, is a model developed by Google that achieved surprising results in the field of NLP (natural language processing). The BERT model we opted to use performs what is known as "extractive text summarization", which is a process of taking in a paragraph of text, taking the N-most important sentences and constructing them as a summary. As we later discovered through experimentation, this model performs expectionally well in shorter texts or texts containing speech, or texts that have more filler words. However, for more scientific texts or longer texts, this model does not perform well as the sentences often do not connect, which is expected as the model works by ranking sentences.

  • GPT2: GPT2, or Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 2, is a very famous AI developed by OpenAI. It is primarily used for text generation, often capable of generating text indistinguishable from that of a human. In our case, we used GPT2 to perform "abstractive text summarization", which essentially generates a paragraph of summary from scratch, when provided with a piece of text. We have found that this AI model works exceptionally well with longer texts, capable of providing short yet concise summaries, without loosing too much information. However, it does not work particularly well with short texts or texts containing speech.

In addition, we utilized AI as part of our question generation:

  • NLTK Pos Tagger: The Pos Tagger, from NLTK, a popular NLP framework for Python, is a robust tokenizer that is able to identify parts of speech. We developed an algorithm, leveraging the Pos Tagger, in order to perform negation, which essentially just computes the negative sentiment of a given sentence. For example, the negation of "I like cakes" would be something like "I do not like cakes". We utilized this algorithm to generate True/False questions; By negating a sentence, we could label that sentence as false.
  • Structured BERT SRL predictor: SRL, or Semantic Role Labelling, is a process of labelling parts of speech with its respective roles. Essentially a more advanced version of a simple Pos Tagger. This particular model was an improvement from an earlier SRL predictor built with a Bidirectional LSTM network. What was interesting to us, in particular, was this model's ability to tag the arguments of a verb, which we used to generate questions by placing the second argument as the answer, and rephrasing the verb + 1st argument as the question.

We also leveraged Google's Speech to Text API in order to transcribe video content to textual content. Although the API performs exceptionally well, it unfortunately does not punctuate the text, which is a concern as both of our summarization models relies heavily on punctuation. Instead, we opted to use an additional AI specifically designed to punctuate "raw" texts, built using a Bidirectional LSTM architecture.


Most of us were not familiar with the ReactJS framework and/or the MaterialUI library, which means there was a steep learning curve at the beginning of this project. However, through hard work and dedication, we quickly overcame this hurdle and became familiarised ourselves with many of the core concepts of ReactJS ultimately geting to a point where we could comfortably build the front-end components.

Git was also something we had to learn, as the git workflow was not something we had encountered in other fields. However, once everyone became familiar with the processes and functionality of git, our collaborative efforts became very efficient.

Perhaps the most challenging part was the initial research phase of the project. As none of us had completed a similar project before we essentially began creating this idea with little to no background experience in the field. Coming up with algorithms to generate questions based on text was particularly challenging obstacle for us, as there was little publicly available information specifically on subject. However, we managed to overcome this hurdle by brainstroming and patching together a variety of different ideas through trial and error to reach our final solution.

Future Roadmaps

We believe this idea has commercial viability as there are no other competitors providing autonomaticlly AI generated summaries as well as flash cards on the market. Summarization websites do exist, however none of them are tailored towards students, with almost all of them exclusively support text. Our next goal would be to refine our current technologies in order to produce better summaries and questions. Introducing more compatability with flashcard sites such as Quizlet or Anki would also allow users to integrate any newly generated sets with their pre-existing sets.


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  • JavaScript 83.6%
  • Python 12.0%
  • CSS 2.0%
  • HTML 1.6%
  • Batchfile 0.8%