I'm David Dias (he/him), I'm a French-born 🇫🇷 Canadian 🇨🇦 with Portuguese 🇵🇹 heritage living in Toronto, Canada.
I'm a Front-End Software Engineer by passion and focus on helping others to find their way through the complexities of web development.
I created the llms.txt hub, the largest directory for AI-ready documentation and tools implementing the proposed llms.txt standard. I'm also an accessibility advocate (CPACC certified)!
Here's what I'm currently working on:
- 🤖 llms.txt hub - Standardizing LLM configurations for web projects
- 🔗 Links Base - A modern approach to managing and sharing bookmarks
- 🛠️ Indie Dev Toolkit - Essential resources for independent developers
- 📚 "Essential Tips for Junior Developers" - A book to help junior developers navigate their career journey
Want to collaborate or learn more about any of these projects? Feel free to reach out!
- The llms.txt Guide You Need for Your Next Project
- Getting Started with llms.txt
- Beyond User Testing: Leveraging Frontend Experience
- How Front-End Developers, Web and UX/UI Designers could better collaborate together?
- I launched a new podcast called “World Web Stories” and I want you all to be part of it!
- 💬 Ask me about frontend development, accessibility, or open source
- 📝 I regularly write articles on my blog
- 🌱 I'm currently exploring AI/ML in frontend development
🔗 Check out my personal website for more content and ways to connect!