Foreman SCAP client Puppet Module configures foreman_scap_client to run scans and upload results to foreman proxy.
This puppet module will automatically install foreman_scap_client (if not installed) and will configure /etc/foreman_scap_client/config.yaml with parameters which are needed for the operation of foreman_scap_client.
- 'server': configures the proxy server
- 'port': configures the proxy server's port
- 'ca_file': path to file of certification authority that issued client's certificate
- 'host_certificate': path to host certificate, may be puppet agent certificate or katello certificate
- 'host_private_key': path to host private key, may be puppet agent private key or katello private key
- 'policies': Array of policies that should be configured
- 'foreman_repo_rel': add / manage foreman-plugins yum repo and set to release version. Eg '1.14'
- 'foreman_repo_key': RPM Key source file for foreman-plugins repo. Note: Currently, packages are not signed. Unless set to an alternative file source, URL will be used.
- 'foreman_repo_src': Alternative baseurl for The Foreman plugins repository
- 'foreman_repo_gpg_chk': Enable / disable GPG checks. Directly passed to Yumrepo resource
- 'package_name': Name of the package that will be installed. The default is platform specific.
- 'package_provider': Puppet provider to use to install the package, defaults to automatic detection
- 'install_options': Additional options for client package installation
- 'cron_template': Path to cron template
- 'cron_splay': Upper limit for splay time when sending reports to proxy
- 'fetch_remote_resources': Whether client should fetch referenced resources that are remote
- 'http_proxy_server': HTTP proxy server
- 'http_proxy_port': HTTP proxy port
For detailed info on the parameters see documentation on manifests/init.pp & manifests/params.pp
The following example ensures that every week an SCAP audit is executed and the results are sent to proxy at The example will automatically attempt to install foreman_scap_client on the system. If you do not wish to use your tailoring file with policy, just pass empty string to "tailoring_path".
class { foreman_scap_client:
server => '',
port => '8443',
foreman_repo_rel => '1.14',
foreman_repo_key => '/net/share/foreman-gpg-rpm-key',
policies => [{
"id" => 1,
"hour" => "12",
"minute" => "1",
"month" => "*",
"monthday" => "*",
"weekday" => "1",
"profile_id" => '',
"content_path" => '/usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/fedora/ssg-fedora-ds.xml',
"download_path" => '/compliance/policies/1/content',
"tailoring_path" => '/var/lib/openacap/ssg-fedora-ds-tailored.xml',
"tailoring_download_path" => "/compliance/policies/1/tailoring"
When using this module together with foreman_openscap, no further configuration
should be necessary as values are by Foreman's ENC. However, verify the values for server, port and policies after
importing the class; the policies should be <%= @host.policies_enc %>
We use project blacksmith to do the release. All you need to do is configuring theforeman credentials in ~/.puppetforge.yml and then call release task from upstream repo like this
bundle exec rake strings:generate:reference
bundle exec rake module:release