Classic Conway's Game of Life cellular automata running on an attiny85 with an SSD1306-based OLED 128x64 mini-display.
- 32x16 grid
- Classic rules
- Custom made SSD1306 library that allows a small attiny85 handle the full 128x64 screen (by using 32x16 "internal buffers" that are translated into "big pixels" on the real 128x64 OLED screen grid)
- Dead-end detection (auto-reset when the automaton "doesn't change anymore")
- Reset button
This is probably the most interesting part of the project: how I manage to made a library to send whatever commands I need to the driver chip and work with small dynamic buffers, since the "original ones" (128x64 pixels, that means 128x64/8 = 1024 bytes) were way to big to fit in the 512 bytes of RAM the attiny85 has (and using the flash memory wasn't a valid option).
There's more info about how it works and why I took this approach in my project page.