A multi-lingual, self-compiled CV
This is my LaTeX-compiled Curriculum Vitae, developed via pdfLaTeX and a few other packages easily found on CTAN. Re-usage of my format is always welcome, as are any corrections, advices and recommendations of the preservation and development of this project.
GitHub supports PDF reading from itself. Simply access the document by clicking here, or find it yourself from the repository above.
Click here to access my website for extensive remarks of the projects and work that I do. There is also a dedicated button to read and/or download the latest compiled PDF version of the CV.
Usage of my CV format is always welcome! Access the format branch for the latest working form, and check out the developing branch for real-time developments!
This format was originally created via the following tools and systems :
- Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
- TeX Distrubution: MikTeX 2.9
- Compiler: pdfLaTeX
- Editor: NeoVim 0.3.8 Several Packages were also used, and can be found by accessing the main LaTeX file.
- 0.0.1
- Work in progress
Paul Kim – @thekpaul
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENCE.md
for more information.